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  Dick Rick vs. Z-Man

Z-Man grimaces under Dick's black boot

Z choked & trampled in the corner

Z-Man hung up and humiliated

Dick clearly enjoys his work!

Z-Man's magnificence on display

The Doctor Is In!

Doctor of pain, that is!

"Are you done, son?" Dick asks, in that taunting tone his previous foes learned to both fear and hate. A dazed Z-man screams in agony as he is tossed from one side of the ring to another in a clinic of pain and brutality. "You want to give up already?" Dick has always held his poor victims in contempt, but for some reason Z-man seems to inspire the brutal bastard to new depths of depravity and destruction! Maybe it's the Z-man's undeniable physical assets. Maybe it's his seeming willingness, even eagerness to test himself and take everything the big Dick throws at him. Maybe it's something deeper...

And tapping the mat as an acknowledgement of defeat isn't good enough. Oh no! BG East has never recognized the tap-out in The Arena - you wanna submit? You have to SAY it! And Z-man, his mind clouded, his entire nerve and muscle screaming in agony, finally gasps out the words Dick wants to hear. But before the kid can even clear his head he finds himself hoisted into the air and slammed down face first! And after using his wrist tape to choke Z-man till his eyes bulge and his face turns red, he orders the muscle mag coverboy to get up and fight! The kid does his best, crawling to the ropes...

"You're pissing me off," Dick snarls as he uses the ropes to choke Z-man, and yet again the smaller superstar surrenders - to no avail as he is hoisted up and slammed down yet again! He might as well whistle in the wind! And now, it's time for a clinic of back torture - a suspended bow and arrow, knee drop, stomps, elbows - "don't you give up too soon! I'm not done yet! How many times you going to give up?" comes the sneer from the master of mayhem. (As fans of both muscle hunks, we hope the answer is many!)

The brutal beating goes on as both spectacular bodies become slick with sweat, as their gear gets soaked from the struggle - the dirty Dick methodically and patiently puts his pitiful patsy through the paces of pain, his agonized screams alternating with a surfeit of surrenders, as the Z-man gets a beating he - and no one else - will ever forget!

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Dick Rick vs. Z-Man
28 minutes

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Get a good lock! Z-Man in heaven!

Magazine muscle model mauled! Z-Man folded into the mighty muscle of Big Thick Dick Rick

Huge biceps circle Z-Man's head

Prettyboy swung in a pendulum

Now THAT'S riding the ropes!

Double handed throttle of the Z-Man

Flex! Big Dick Rick exults in his total control of Z-Man. The massacred muscleboy gets carried away

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