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  Damien Rush vs. Ben Monaco

Damien dominates Ben Monaco

Damien folded and leg spread

Ben leans heavy into a side headlock

Camel humiliation face stretch

Stripped to his thong, muscle boy Damien Rush punished in Ben Monaco's full nelson leg split

Summer Sizzler: "Now...Worship My Muscles!" - "Now...Suck My Sack!"

These two relative rookies are remarkably evenly matched. Ben delivers a flurry of fists pounding into Damien's pumped pecs. The babyfaced blue blood retaliates with a barrage of punches to Ben's abs. When Damien's rib crushing body scissors makes the Canadian gasp, Ben applies his own body scissors that makes Damien gag. Ben's bulge demonstrates his delight in locking on multiple intimate crotch-to-face head scissors. He makes Damien choke on his balls, commanding that daddy's little rich boy submit, even while Damien's muffled cries are undecipherable with his mouth stuffed into Ben's crotch. The Canadian grinds his growing crotch against his handsome opponent's face. But before long, the aristocrat retaliates by trapping Ben's face between his powerful pecs. "Let me smother you with my manly hair!" Damien snarls with a look of rapture on his face.

The back and forth tests of strength take a darker turn when Ben rips Damien's powerful legs apart and locks a vice grip onto Damien's aristocratic balls. The silver spoon-fed wrestler instantly panics, sputtering out a frantic first submission of the match. There's unmistakable fear in Damien's eyes as he climbs warily to his feet, bent over and clutching his assaulted crotch protectively. Is this match taking an eerily familiar turn for the devastatingly handsome daddy's boy? "What was I squeezing?" Ben taunts. "I didn't even feel any balls there!" he chuckles. "Fuck you!" Damien gasps through gritted teeth.

He crushes the smile off of Ben's face lifting him up in a stunningly executed bearhug. Driving Ben to his back, Damien goes for simple, unadulterated revenge, nearly ripping Ben's balls off until the Canadian frantically taps out. "You touched me in places that don't get to be touched!" Damien spits out furiously. He rips his opponent's trunks off and smothers him with them. "How do you like the smell of your own balls on your face!?"

Both beautiful bodies shine with late summer sweat. The holds linger ever longer past the point of submission, as counting falls gives way to proving a point about psychological dominance. Damien's confidence in his superior breeding and elite training run headlong into Ben's lust to sexually dominate the hairy, hunky pretty boy. Just "winning" becomes pointless, and it's not until one of these hungry hunks is glassy-eyed and obeying his opponent's command to tongue-worship his bulging biceps that the real question of who's on top is finally settled. While humiliating, obedience has its rewards as well, as the loser drifts into unconsciousness with the victor's ass planted squarely on the loser's face!

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Grapplers 14


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Damien Rush vs. Ben Monaco
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Damien's cross face punishes Ben

Ben/Damien: Hot sweaty hairy hunks

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Damien howls! Crotch claw leg split!

Sexy stud in terrible trouble! Damien panics as Ben locks on a KO rear naked choke sleeper hold!

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