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  Damien Rush vs. Ben Monaco

Damien Rush - 5'11, 180

Ben hoisted in Damien's bearhug

Now YOU give! No, YOU give!!

Ben smothered w/ his own trunks

Intense crotch to face smother by Ben as Damien paws his chest & frantically tries to catch a breath

The Summer's Sizzler: Hairy Pecs and Something to Prove

There was never any doubt in Damien's mind that he'd return to BG East to redeem his complete devastation at the hands of Morgan Cruise. His high-priced personal trainer and wrestling coach never prepared this little rich boy for the amount of pain, humiliation, and stark terror he faced when he naïvely sauntered into the ring with "The Mastodon." Few rookies experience that level of brutality their first time out. Even fewer get stripped naked and forced to cum while tied in the ropes the first time in the ring! A more fragile ego might have run for the hills rather than accept another call from The Boss. Damien's ego, however, is anything but fragile. He packed on some more muscle while whittling away every ounce of softness left on his uptown gym-toned physique. No, there was never any doubt in this trust fund baby's mind that there would be a "next time." A little wiser and lot more seriously prepared, he confidently accepted the offer for another shot at BGEast.

Ben Monaco arrived at BG East about the same time Damien did, but he has enjoyed better fortunes so far. True, he got his ass handed to him in a sweat-soaked jockstrap knockout from the increasingly dangerous muscle boy, Austin Cooper. But Ben also knows the taste of victory, having shoved his tongue way down the throat of Alex Arias on his way to putting him down for the count. Like Damien, Ben has also been pounding out the weights, packing on more muscle while also improving his conditioning. When The Boss approached Ben with the offer to "welcome" Damien back to BG East, the handsome, hairy-chested Canadian didn't skip a beat: "Oh fuck yes! That hot ass of his is mine!"

When Damien shows up, there's no indication that his ego is anything other than as overinflated and hyped up on Daddy's wealth as ever. He points out his ripped body (and indeed, it's hotter than ever!), and predicts that Ben is about to get "a serious beatdown." Like a back alley bully, Ben snatches the expensive designer sunglasses from Damien's face. "These belong on a face like mine!" the cocky and confident Canadian taunts. "Don't break them, boy" Damien growls, "or I'll make you pay for them the hard way"

"What if I don't break the glasses, but I break you instead?" Ben shoves Damien's hairy chest. They butt pecs and stare down their noses at each other. "Oh, you think you can!?" Damien snarls. "Oh, you think I can't?" Ben rolls his eyes dismissively. Game on!

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Grapplers 14


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Damien Rush vs. Ben Monaco
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Gazebo Grapplers 14 Arena Galleries

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Rush gets an unwelcome adjustment

The horny Canadian Ben Monaco in trouble! Damien Rush tries to knock his frisky opponent out cold!

Ben Monaco - 5'10, 175

Breath-taking bodyscissors

Double pec claws / body scissor hold

Bulge on butt Boston crab

New & improved hairy muscle hunk Damien Rush comes into his own in the Gazebo vs ballsy Ben Monaco

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