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  Lorenzo 'Jake' Lowe vs. Flavio

Trapped in a rib-crushing bodyscissors, can Jake claw a submission out of Flavio's iron abs?

Jake desperate to escape the painful over-the-knee backbreaker, but can't budge the big man

Jake's neck wrenched by those massive arms as he's lifted off the mat in a flying full nelson

Can Flavio's muscle power save him from the intensely determined application Jake's kiss of death?

Skillful Jake standing tall and proud with the musclestud trapped between his impressive quads

Taming "The Beast"?

Jake Lowe is quickly second-guessing his executive decision to defy The Boss' instructions and appoint himself the first one to get his hands on massive muscle stud Flavio. The Boss is not known as a particularly forgiving taskmaster, and finding himself in danger of a humiliating defeat at the hands of their newest recruit, Jake is looking like he's in way over his head. He counters the fitness star's strength with an abdominal claw, but Flavio laughs it off as little more than a tickle. When he shoves Jake away, the lightweight stud is literally lifted off his feet and slammed hard into a wall. Flavio scoops him up effortlessly, holds him helplessly just long enough to demonstrate his total mastery, and then pounds Jake down in a spine-cracking over-the-knee backbreaker. Bridged vulnerably across the big man's knee, Jake claws at the mountainous pecs of his tormentor, but he's over and done in record time. Breathless and totally dominated, Jake concedes the humiliating first fall.

You start to get the impression that Flavio was made for all-in mat wrestling. "No one can defeat me!" he crows, flexing his divine physique in victory and dubbing himself, "The Beast!" He enthusiastically peels Jake's undergear off, leaving the junior executive with barely a shred of dignity and a miniscule pink(!) thong. Dragging the stunned lightweight off the mat, he choke slams Jake into the wall and jackhammers his fists into the youngster's freshly minted 6-pack abs. This is starting to look like a mugging!

Jake didn't spend endless hours tutored in the art of hardcore wrestling and not learn some things from the Leopard. For example, when you're at the mercy of a muscled beast, a precisely placed fist to the balls can turn things right around. Mountainous muscles don't protect The Beast's most vulnerable spots, and Jake exploits the muscle hunk's blinding agony by returning the favor and stripping Flavio to a barely mentionable baby blue thong. "You may have the muscle," Jake snarls, "but I've got the skill!"

Both wrestlers nurse bruised egos by trading humiliating spladle submissions, spreading each other's ass-cheeks wide, tearing each other apart at the groin. Flavio's overwhelming advantage in raw power is complimented by some surprisingly accomplished holds, wringing out multiple submissions from the BG East "It-boy" in multiple helicopter twirling spinning full nelsons. "Who's the bitch now!?" he growls, quickly losing himself in admiration of his flexing muscles as he places his foot on Jake's crotch in celebration.

Jake has got a tiger by the tail, and The Beast may just be the overwhelming muscle stud to bite Jake in that beautiful butt of his. Facing a humiliating defeat, not the mention the ire of The Boss, Jake digs deeper than he's ever had to, but Flavio is determined to prove that the BG East It-boy has bitten off way more than he can chew!

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Lorenzo 'Jake' Lowe vs. Flavio
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Undagear 20 Arena Galleries

FREE Action Clip on Arena

With a look of sublime satisfaction on his face, Jake Lowe spreads Flavio wide in a banana split

With a hand poised to slap the mat, Jake tops the mountain of muscle for an intimate pin

Jake sags in Flavio's arms as the big boy taunts and crushes the suffering lightweight pretty boy

Flavio adds insult to injury: Jake's briefs get wedged tightly up between his bubble butt cheeks

With their briefs stripped down to thongs, Jake tries to own the big dude with a bully boy pin

Breaking Jake's back isn't enough for Flavio, he wants to dominate in a battle of the bulges

The handsome and impressively muscled Flavio basks in the afterglow of a submission over Jake Lowe

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