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  Ty Alexander vs. Goren Ford*

Goren Ford, 6'1 170 lbs

The powerful rookie effortlessly lifts Ty against the wall in a one-handed choke

Rookie Goren works the devastating kiss-of-death like a seasoned pro

Ford hardly breaks a sweat, grinding Ty's face into his pleather-clad bulge

Ty seduced into the Dark Side: his angelic white gear traded for a black leather harness

"All of this is going to belong to me soon"

There's something about the Dark Knights series that cuts to the core for erotic wrestling fans. The storied tradition of Dark Knights has long delved deep into the shadowed corners of wrestlers' psyches, where the competition to win is merely at the surface of the battle being waged. For some of our wrestlers, the real battle is fought internally, between their passionate desire to dominate and the seductive allure of conceding body, mind and soul to a worthy opponent with the savage talents to claim them. Not only to be beat, but to be mastered is what distinguishes the deeply erotic flavor of a Dark Knights match. And wrestlers primed and ready to face those darkly shadowed, high-stakes corners of their secret desires are surprisingly rare.

Also rare is an adorable jobber like Ty Alexander who can inhabit the wrestling scene from day one as if he's owned the place for years. In his brief tenure with BG East, Ty has quickly distinguished himself for his readiness to fully commit everything he's got to a match, no matter what he stands to lose. He perpetually teeters between a gasping innocence and a dangerous slyness, and he's demonstrated repeatedly his powerful intuition of what makes wrestling so damn sexy. Never at a loss for more opponents eager to get their hands on his bubble butt, Ty manages to keep them guessing as to who they'll meet on the mats, the unspoiled cherub or the sadistic little devil.

Hot newcomer Goren Ford knows exactly which version of Ty Alexander he wants to face: a completely subservient, harshly disciplined, eagerly compliant boy ready to do absolutely anything his new master commands. When he arrives to find Ty luxuriating in the reflected image of his own smooth, tanned body accented by stark white, high fashion mesh briefs and entirely impractical mesh sleeves, Goren knows that he has his work cut out for him. "That's not what I told you to wear," the beautifully muscled hunk growls a deep baritone. "I don't give a shit what you told me," Ty snaps back defiantly.

"If you're going to be my boy, you're going to wear what I tell you to wear, you understand?" Goren growls, bullying his opponent to the mat and ripping the sleeves off of him. "I don't belong to you!" Ty snarls, almost pleadingly, as if he isn't opposed to the idea itself, but rather determined that tall, dark and handsome Goren has to earn it. And that's precisely what this aspiring daddy plans to do. "Oh, you will," Goren promises. "All of this is going to belong to me soon," he rumbles, squeezing Ty's alluring ass. Let the mastery begin...

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Knights 12*


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Ty Alexander vs. Goren Ford*
53 minutes

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Ty gets trapped in a formidable face-to-crotch headscissors from the new blood

A seductive liplock designed to further drain the fight from prettyboy Ty

Ty Alexander 5'7", 150 lbs

Ty's hands scramble desperately to free himself from a neck crunching full nelson

Goren plops his bulge in his beaten opponent's mouth during an impromptu posedown

Goren's hand travels low as he controls his spunky foe with a leather bitch-collar

The powerful rookie flexes for the worshipful hands of an overmatched opponent

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