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  Ty Alexander vs. Jordi Gabana

Who gave Ty a mic?! Jordi Gabana comes face-to-face with the wrestler everybody loves to hate

Like a buffed-up, color-blind Chippendale, Ty Alexander (5'7", 170 lbs) makes his return to the ring

Ty Alexander is none-too-pleased when encountered with another larger-than-life personality

Trapped with nowhere to go, Ty closes in for a stink-face welcome to BG for Jordi

Between a rock and a hard place, Jordi dangles choking over the ropes under Ty's weight

The self-appointed "Trophy Boy" of BGEast trapped and bent in newbie Gabana's abstretch

Thong Match: Battle of the Butts and the Egos

We finally come to the main event, and it's the sort BGE was made for. For better or worse, Ty Alexander has come to embody so much of what we love (or love to hate) in our cockiest of BGE wrestlers. Whether it's the always flashy gear, the increasingly muscular body, the ego that rightly shouldn't fit in the ring with him, or his out-of-this world ass, Ty has got the goods to call himself one of the cornerstones of the current BGE roster, and it seems he's finally getting the respect he feels he deserves.

Even before the main event, Ty Alexander made an in-ring appearance to officially receive his 2018 "Best Butt" award from the boss himself. But this party wasn't without its crashers, enter Jordi Gabbana. While a new face to BGE, Jordi and Ty have crossed paths during Ty's own excursions into the independent wrestling scene. After a brief, and ill-fated, run as a tag team, their partnership has settled into a heated rivalry. With Jordi possessing as much ego and dramatic flair as our Ty, if not more so, it's easy to see what drew them together and then drove them apart.

Now Jordi isn't about to let Ty take center stage, at least not without a fight. After a heated exchange, the stipulations for the main event are changed, the winner will be the first man to pin his opponent... after stripping him to a thong. Jordi almost balks at the risk of not merely losing, but being humiliated by his former partner. Once a twinky jobber, Ty has muscled up considerably over the years, and has the clear size advantage in this match-up. But much like Ty, Jordi's ego won't let him back down from any challenge, and the match is on.

Their entrances alone tell you what sort of match you're in for: Rife with body glitter, matching accessories, sequins, and garters, and plenty of tan skin. As image obsessed as these boys are, they have the skills to back up their grandiose attire. The action is not only intense but downright personal, with hard hits and quick moves mixed with slaps, bites, and plenty of grab-ass. With both men fighting to strip the other of their precious custom briefs, there's plenty of ass to come into play here.

Ty and Jordi go toe-to-toe and tit for tat in this match, fighting tooth and nail not to give the other an inch. Through the passion with which they mercilessly pound each other back and forth across this ring, you can see some of the spark that made them a team in the first place. But sooner or later, all the ass-slaps, bronco busters, and nipple biting ab stretches take their toll, and one man finally hits the canvas in nothing but a thong, and we hear those decisive three numbers from our guest referee Enoch. The main event is over, and one of these two divas is standing proud in the ring at the close of BGE's Wrestling with Pride 2. And maybe, just maybe, win or lose, Jordi and Ty will find some common ground, and come back together for one last surprise for the crowd before the end of the night.

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With Pride 2


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Ty Alexander vs. Jordi Gabana
21 minutes

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Jordi covers his face in shame after suffering a stinkface from the winner of BGE's best ass

Stripped of his gear and all respect, Jordi is rolled up for the pinfall by the BGE veteran

Jordi clings to the ropes as Ty sets about stripping the debuting rookie of his eye-popping gear

The roster storms the ring to send a defiant Ty running with his polka-dotted tail between his legs

Foes become friends...Ty and Jordi of The Bowtie Brigade team up to put the ref in his place

Ty manages to eke out a win despite the show-stopping debut of one Jordi Gabana

Ty can't resist the spotlight (or any attention) as guest ref Enoch "checks" the award-winning ass

Insult to injury: Jordi (5'10", 172 lbs) traps Ty in an abstretch and takes a bite out of his nipple

Me next! Jordi delivers a pride-shattering bitchslap to shut Ty's ever-running mouth

Not so fast! Jordi tries to scamper away from a handsy Ty and loses his trunks in the process

Stripped of his gear, Jordi finds himself further humbled from his opponent's humping

Jordi takes control and trash talks the wasted veteran drooping wilted over the ring ropes

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