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  Elite Eliot vs. Ty Alexander

Elite Eliot: 5'11, 190 lbs

Ty muscles the pretty pro stud around the ring with a tit-sucking, side headlock

Eliot gazes down upon a broken, wasted Ty as he drags him up by his hair

Ty digs deep for the power and rocks to hoist Eliot up in a mexican ceiling hold

Ty struggles to make it off the mats as Eliot poses and flexes over him victoriously

Ty is on all fours, like he belongs, a beaten little bitch for the Eliot the Elite One

Ty Two-Point-Uh-Oh!

"Twinky Ty is gone now. New and improved Ty is here." Indeed! Ty's fuller body is a testament to his commitment to becoming the best wrestler he can be. Now recently entering the pro circuit, Ty's star has never shined so bright. Clad in custom black and hot pink gear, he gives us a glimpse of what training and dedication have built over the past years. "Looks so damn good," Ty says as he turns around to show us his best know ASSet, "of course that is always on point."

"Holy shit. Is that the Trophy Boy!?" says a surprised Elite Eliot as he fanboys all the way to meet Ty in the ring. "You've been wrestling for how long now?" The question rubs Ty the wrong way. "How long?" Ty responds in a snarky tone. See, just as his body has grown, so has his ego. While Ty can claim he helped boost the BG East stock over the past few years, claiming he owns the place - just like he does now - hasn't sit well with many, including The Boss. Perhaps this matchup was sanctioned as BGE's way to conduct a corrective action and remind Ty of his place in the company's organizational chart. Eliot is just the HR representative sent to get the job done.

The accomplished pro quickly circles Ty and wraps his arms around his waist. After some resistance, the Elite one slaps a headlock and takes Ty to the mat. Eliot gives us a mouthwatering view of what he's packing as he confidently keeps Ty at bay. A back and forth sequence has Eliot acknowledging Ty is good, but Ty will need to prove he is better. A single-leg takedown brings the Trophy Boy down hard to the mat, and a follow-up ankle lock has him emitting his first shrieks of pain. Eliot spares the submission - after all, The Boss instructed him not to cause any permanent damage to this vital asset - and steps on Ty's leg while showing his own trophy pose! A hard elbow to Ty's inner thigh prefaces another leglock, but Eliot leaves his neck exposed which is enough of an opening for Ty to set up a rear-naked choke. At this point, most of us would give anything to trade places with Ty and have a chance to play with Elite's hair while wrapping our body around the struggling hunk.

Eliot struggles but survives. He goes on to soften Ty before lifting him up for a long, intimate bearhug that puts him on the verge of submission. Not understanding how Ty is able to resist for so long, Eliot asks "You like this or something?" The answer is YES, Eliot. And he is not alone! There are many things to admire on Ty's hunk opponent: his gorgeous face, the luscious skin, those strong arms and thighs, that shiny blue bulge between his legs. But the sexiest thing of all is the cockiness exuding from a man who knows he's in control. As he starts manhandling the Trophy Boy, a coat of sheen appears on both wrestlers, increasing the sex appeal of this match tenfold.

Ty makes the most of a golden chance as Eliot comes back from outside the ring. He moves fast and clamps a standing surfboard that feels like it could be the one to finally open the scoreboard. But can Ty hold on to it for long enough to succeed?

From then on, one wrestler takes command for almost the rest of the match. He tears into his foe's legs to the point where irreversible damage might occur. The victim suffers sublimely and does his very best to survive the onslaught. But it all proves to be too much. He's at the mercy of his tormenter, and in the end, he won't even be asked to submit. "You are done when I say you're done."

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Elite Eliot vs. Ty Alexander
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Ty locks down Eliot with a choking headscissors and flexes up a thick bicep victoriously

Using the ropes, Eliot chokes and rides Ty's broad shoulders with a standing headscissors

A figure-four leglock in the middle of the ring has Ty far from home and close to submission

Eliot humps the mats dazedly about ready to tap out to Ty's ever-tightening choke

Ty finds himself trapped in the middle of the ring as Eliot cranks back in a single leg boston

Ty wraps a thick arm around Eliot's head and neck in a tight, crushing sleeperhold

Ty Alexander: 5'10, 160 lbs

Ty flails at the mats and cries out in pain as Eliot works on his leg with a vicious ankle lock

The Trophy Boy feels his ribs caving in as Eliot carts him around the ring in a crushing bearhug

Alexander grovels and writhes on the floor in agony as Eliot digs a heel into his back

Eliot is going to make an example of his mouthy opponent as he whips him to the mat

Eliot looks to (mercifully) put Ty away once and for all with a ring- shaking bodyslam

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