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  Ace Aarons vs. Dimitri

Ace Aarons: 5'9, 185 lbs

Ace takes to the sky with a big flying legdrop to the helpless, grounded French stud

Ace clings to the ropes in desperation as he's yanked violently from the corner by his feet

Flying across the ring, big Dmitri comes crashing down atop a laid out Aarons

A delighted Dmitri laughs as his foe grovels at his feet and coddles his busted balls

Aarons kneels and grovels at the feet of the Russian as he's dragged up for more

No Merci

Dimitri flew 5,000 miles across the Atlantic with a mission: plant the French flag high atop a mountain made from the broken bodies of BG East wrestlers. And so far, he has succeeded in taking out every single man who has been thrown in front of him. Language has been no barrier as he has shown pain needs no translation. But apparently, Ace Aarons does not know Dimitri is on a rampage. Never have we seen Ace, the pro phenom and star blazing across the BGE firmament for many a year now, so stumped before a match starts. Ace's first and sometimes most efficient weapon is his sharp tongue, but it can be hard to throw off your opponent if they can't understand your punchlines. Just as he hears the Frenchman mutter the match's first words, he is forced to enunciate his plan for the day as if he was teaching a first grader. "This is my ring. I am going to beat you. Do you understand that?..."

Dimitri has gotten the message, but he also claims the same territory. "Le ring est à moi. C'est à moi" clarifies the francophone, followed by the international gesture for 'get the fuck out of here'. Reduced to almost playing charades just trying to get into his opponent's head, Ace is clearly exasperated by the whole ordeal. Nothing he says (or mimics) is working against the french stud. And, if anything, watching Ace humiliate himself is making the arrogant French star enjoy the moment much more.

"No one is going to out-attitude me in this ring. No one will out-anything me in this ring," says Ace once he catches on with Dimitri's strategy. Once they finally physically clash in the middle of the ring, something becomes clear: Ace is the most significant threat Dimitri's had to face so far. His 4-0 record and dreams of a complete French conquest could be quickly shattered by the pro wrestling legend. A "french fries for legs" remark finally gets to the gallic, prompting a power reversal that shows he is ready to leave it all on the ring.

The back-and-forth action can only be described as FRENETIC! Clean, dirty, and surprise reversals literally come from nowhere and everywhere. While Ace is quick to claim the upper hand, Dimitri proves he can keep up with his unwelcoming foe. The French can also be just as savage as his American counterpart, matching him in attitude, brutality, and dirtiness. Pin attempts do not start appearing until the match's halfway point, and they are just as futile as these wrestlers' attempts to communicate through words. Another universal 'fuck you' hand gesture increases the hatred in this international conflict, which just keeps escalating to proportions neither could have suspected.

Knocks, kicks, and punches come and go from all directions. No body part is safe. No move is forbidden. And as the action continues, it becomes clear that there will not be a peace treaty signed to stop the hostilities. This bilingual thriller has no other way to end than with a long and sweaty knock-out sleeper that leaves one of the studs down for the boot-on-the-chest count. But will it be 'one, two, three...' or 'un, deux, trois...'? This is star Ace pushed to the limits as we've never seen before.

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Spotlight: Ace Aarons


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Ace Aarons vs. Dimitri
28 minutes

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Snarling and surly, Aarons turns back to back with his opponent for a neckbreaker

Dmitri is grounded and trampled underfoot with a big choking boot to his throat

Trapped and stomped into the turnbuckles, Dmitri is stuck with no way out

A dazed and doubled-up Dmitri gets a biig elbow driven into the back of his skull

Dmitri sends Aarons tumbling, flipping him up and over, crashing down onto the canvas

Aarons finds himself helplessly crucified and trapped in the ropes, exposed

Dimitri: 5'9, 172 lbs

Dmitri leaps and comes crashing down with a big elbow aimed for the heart of Aarons

With a wrenching cobra clutch variation, Aarons is brought groggily to his knees

Aarons cries out in agony as he's bent in a backbreaking single-leg boston crab

The pro superstar lies wasted and conquered under the boot of a victorious Dmitri

Dmitri is forced to gaze upon his own impending destruction in the ring room mirror

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