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  Jason Anders vs. Nino Leone

Jason Anders: 6' 187 lbs

Nino's thirst is evident, watching the handsome yogi works up into a perfect high back arch

With a thick, hairy, smothering armpit over his opponent's face, Nino brings him to the mats

Pushing Jason into the walls of the Shack, Nino drives a crippling knee through his muscled core

Nino's abs are put to the test as Jason bears his weight down with a crushing abclaw

Nino surveys the spoils of war with his packed bulge parked on his victim's slack face

The You-Asked-For-It Pose

Nino Leone finds lithe health-nut Jason Anders in the Wrestleshack, practicing yoga. Is it a warm-up or a provocation? Nino expresses some interest in learning about stretches that will strengthen his back. Jason is happy to help and shows him how to arch his back properly, even propping him up on his knee to ensure that Nino's vertebrae are well aligned. Then Jason demonstrates a perfect backward arch. Nino can't help but run his fingers across the yogi's taut midsection. "Definitely a nice alignment," he coos. Then on impulse he slams his fist down to Jason's gut, collapsing the perfect arch. "Only problem is this is not the Yogashack," he mutters, squatting on Jason's stomach to pull off the guy's yoga pants. "It's the Wrestleshack!"

In a matter of seconds, Nino is straddling Jason's belly and choking the man with the stripped-off pants. But Jason's no pushover. He reverses and garrotes Nino with the pants. "Interrupt MY serenity ...," Jason grumbles, the implied but unspoken closer being 'And this is what you get'. He folds Leone into a ball, pressing down to make it tighter. But Nino springs loose after considerable effort and proceeds to hammer Jason's manipura chakra with his balled-up fist. Jason is quick to retaliate, clutching his attacker's head under his right arm and scissoring his waist, rocking back and forth to sharpen the pressure to Leone's neck and back.

Soon, the advantage reverses again. Always on the punchy side, Nino enjoys ramming his knuckles into Anders, again and again. He's always leaned towards introducing schoolyard bully tactics into his wrestling. Jason fights fire with fire, pinning Nino's wrists to the mat over his head and drilling his kneecap into the man's belly. It's safe to say that both men's idea of the contemplative life is to contemplate demolishing his opponent. Grunting and huffing, the two bodies roll into the sunlight streaming through the shack's open door. This time it's Nino's turn to lose his pants â?? or rather his shorts. Jason smothers Leone with the bright orange trunks. It's a long, hard struggle, but Nino reverses, pressing Jason to the mat in the classic schoolboy pin, one of the archetypes of male-on-male domination dating back to kindergarten.

Playfulness mixed with a real itch to control and punish somebody is the running theme of this battle. Then, all hell breaks loose. These guys are slamming into each other like fighting bulls. At this point neither man is willing to settle for anything but a total knockout. The durable bodies crash into each other and into the unvarnished wood walls of the Wrestleshack with furious and reckless speed. We are near the end of the match when one man at last distinguishes himself as the likely victor. Quickly he claims the upper hand in a slow, writhing, and erotic choke-out, continuing to punish even after his adversary is no longer able to resist.

In the end the victor rubs his crotch against the unconscious or barely conscious loser's nose and mouth, both satisfying himself and perhaps leaving his scent on the man's face. It's a savage but elegant and honest gesture. Still bathed in sunlight, now alone in the Wrestleshack, the vanquished brawler revives. He covers his face with one hand. Is he covering it in shame over his defeat? Is he trying to bring himself back into full consciousness? Or is he savoring the animal scent of his destroyer?

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Jason Anders vs. Nino Leone
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Jason trapped against the wall as Nino hammers away at his sculpted midsection

Using the rafters, Nino increases the pressure as he tramples a suffering Anders underfoot

Anders is starting to wither and fade, suffering under the ab-bashing onslaught

Nino pushes up off the mats, flexing and coiling his legs powerfully in a headscissors

Anders back flexibility is truly put to a grueling test in a forced scorpion backbreaker hold

Anders tenses and flexes his abs daring the young stud betwen his legs to do his worst

Nino Leone: 5'8, 140 lbs

Nino struggles under the bulk of his heavier opponent as he's choked with his foe's pants

Nino gets a nice look with a controlling headlock on the handsome, arched up wrestler

Jason looks to put the hunky, hairy twink to rest, crushing his breath out with a bearhug

Nino's powerful body swallows and crushes Anders, sending him to sleep with a rear choke

Nino looks to humiliate and humble his older opponent with a crotch smothering schoolboy pin

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