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  Mason Brooks vs. Ash DeLeon*

Mason Brooks: 5'9, 150 lbs

Hanging from the ropes, Mason is helpless as his bulge is used as a handle to pull him up

A sweat-soaked Mason gazes over a work well-done, set to claim the second of a pair

Ash's handsome face is screwed up in agony as he's bent in a backbreaking headlock

Ash stretches out Mason's sculpted torso for a series of tormenting forearm smashes

Mason looks out of it as he's dragged up by his hair, told to rethink who he touches from now on

"Is It Really Me That You're Mad At?"

Best Ring Match 2021
It has been almost ten years since the first (the original) Wrestle Revenge, an enduring classic of BGE storytelling. That two-parter began as Tyrell Tomsen blindsided Z-Man in the bathroom, a shameful and cowardly act. The incident led directly to the next segment, in which hot-tempered Dev Michaels hunted down Tomsen for some good old-fashioned comeuppance in the squared circle. Fast-forward to the present. Wrestle Revenge 2 picks up where the middle match of Wrestleshack 27 left off, in which smooth-talking Mason Brooks busted the cherry of Ash DeLeon's boyfriend, Freddy Campbell. In this sequel, Ash confronts Mason in the ring, seeking vengeance for his boyfriend's lost honor.

The opening shot finds Mason Brooks, wearing almost nothing (a nice look for him) and bound to the ring ropes, futilely calling for help after a private match gone rogue. Enter Ash DeLeon. Uh-oh. Mason can't talk his way out of this one, folks. He tries to sugarcoat the recent events in the Wrestleshack, but Ash's reply is a nudge to Brooks's nuts and a forearm smash to the chest. Mason recoils in pain and claims, "That wasn't called for." He pleads innocence in the deflowering of "Husky Boy," an impromptu nickname that adds fuel to DeLeon's rage. He claims not to remember Freddy's name, somehow thinking this will calm Ash's rising ire.

"If I had to keep track of every jobber that begged me to meet him in the Wrestleshack to show him what it's like to get ...." Ash pinches Mason's Adam's apple, trapping the rest of the ill-considered sentence in the middle of the throat. Ash dares him to finish the thought. Mason laughs, "So, you know, I'm a real man, and you're not," and the laughter is maniacal. A hard slug to the diaphragm does not stop it. "Is it really me that you're mad at?" Mason talks his way into a heavy, arc-like punch to the cock. Ready to fight, Ash unbinds Mason, steps back, and invites him to throw down.

A well-aimed punch to the balls takes Ash down, and Mason instantly puts him in a chicken-wing hold. In a strained voice, Ash shouts, "I give!" Mason releases and grabs a fist full of Ash's curly hair and slams his face down to the mat. A figure-four leglock combined with a facelock makes Ash tap out again, mere seconds later. Rubbing salt into wounds, Mason predicts he will show up in Ash's wet dreams. A torturous stretch forces Ash to cry uncle a third time in four minutes. Ash looks miserable and humiliated. This battle feels real, and smooth talker Mason is having a field day.

Ash manages to turn the tables on Mason at the match's halfway point. He holds the lead only for so long, and the rest of the match is a sweat-soaked and thoroughly vicious back and forth contest. You want to get hard? Watch the last five minutes of this match! If fights make you want to fuck, this confrontation is the best aphrodisiac you could hope for. In the end. one man is stripped naked, his trunks wrapped around his face. Wrestle Revenge 2 captures the rage, the humiliation, and the pain. This is a battle you can't afford to miss!

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Revenge 2: Boyfriend on the Rampage*


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Mason Brooks vs. Ash DeLeon*
34 minutes

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Ash rides on a victory high (and Mason's back!) with a soul-sucking rear naked choke hold

Stripped down to absolutely nothing, an exhausted, beaten Mason is folded in half

Mason continues to taunt and torture the scorned lover with an armhooked STF submission

A throat and pec-clawed Mason is trapped and stretched out to Ash's machinations

Ash writhes and wriggles in agony, with his legs twisted and trapped in a punishing submission

Mason salivates as he can feel Ash's impending submission in the crippling submission multihold

Ash DeLeon: 5'8, 160 lbs

Ash drives the point (and his knee!) home that Freddy is his to his choked, roped opponent

With a possessive hand on a bountiful booty, Mason grinds his foe's face into his sweaty bulge

With his arms barred and his legs locked, Mason is arched in a punishing, backbreaking leglock

Mason elevates the vengeful , bulging beau with an arching, leg-spreading hold

Mason stands and flexes triumphantly over the quivering, cowering form of the cuckolded boyfriend

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