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  Kirk Donahue vs. Mason Broder

Kirk Donahue, Babyface: 5'10, 170 lbs

Kirk seizes control of his wily opponent with a punishing hammerlock high up his back

Kirk's babyface mode is his achilles' heel, leaving him open for a low blow amongst other tricks

Mason hoists Kirk up onto his shoulders and looks to put him away with a ring-shaking powerbomb

Kirk arches and writhes, withering in the corner with a standing boot choke agaisnt the turnbuckles

Things are not looking well for the fan-favorite as he's choked and surfed brutally on the canvas

Nice Kirk

Stretching in bulging orange and blue undergear, Mason Broder gets ready to meet another of his favorite underground wrestlers. He has come from "far, far away" to make a couple of dreams come true, one of them being stepping into the ring with the amazing Kirk Donahue. The Spaniard has seen mixed results from his adventures in America so far, but no one can question his commitment to the matter at hand, wrestling the best - and how much better he makes any match he is in. He is confident at another chance at success, but you can even hear a touch of wonder in his voice when he gets to see his fellow wrestling superstar enter the ring by clearing the top rope.

"Can we have a nice, clean match today?" proposes BGE 'Best Babyface' fan poll winner Kirk as he extends his hand. Still starstruck, Mason agrees, as the promise of putting his hands on Donahue's mouth-watering muscles could surely make him sign any stipulation. They quickly circle each other and exchange advantages, using wristlocks and armlocks to measure their strength. Mason flips the bigger man, whose reinforced yellow and red underwear/trunks don't seem enough to contain all of his likewise fan-award-winning assets. Broder tries to get a submission in a mean Boston crab, but Kirk squirms until he finally reaches one of the bottom ropes. True to his word, Mason breaks the hold for a clean break, making Kirk's face light up after suffering so beautifully.

The promise of a clean match thrills this Kirk, who appreciates finally finding an honest opponent after repeatedly being used and abused by wolves in sheep's clothing. By now, he has learned not to trust anyone around the BGE Arenas, but an international guest star who has toured all around Europe - surely an honored guest in the world's most prestigious underground wrestling producer - wouldn't dare to break the rules, right? RIGHT...?

Babyface Kirk returns the favor when Mason grabs the ropes while on a fairly tight armbar. Nonetheless, as the intensity keeps ramping up, niceness seems to go out the window: Kirk seems blind to Mason's true colors as Broder uses his Taekwondo leg to choke Kirk from the top turnbuckle, then the middle, and down to the last one. Only after Kirk points out for a third time that he is grabbing the ropes, fighting an illegal hold, that the Spaniard removes his sole from Donahue's throat. Mason lifts Kirk, only to strangle him with the middle rope while taunting him in the process, going for broke. "Do you need a medic?" he deadpans, letting Kirk escape just a second before he blacks out.

Finding himself in a place he and so many classic babyfaces have been too many times, Kirk musters the strength to fight back, slamming Broder to the mat before starting a surprisingly vicious revenge sequence of crushing backbreakers that threaten to shatter the visitor's lower back. Kirk lets Mason know the new rules for the rest of the match, "Keep in mind, what I think is fair is whatever you think is fair," a reminder that now anything he does could and will also be used against him. A barrage of punishment falls upon Mason, who can't even stop the once Jobber of the Year with a blow below the belt! Kirk is clearly the more aggressive now, and he seems to be so invested in destroying his opponent that he sacrifices his own reputation in order to damage his opponent. He's a good guy babyface but he isn't going to become just a jobber for any star, and he wants Mason to know it!

The cockiness of these two classic types leads to big breaks for both men, whose success in this match will be determined by a personal challenge thrown by one of them after a particularly ruthless submission. Ultimately, one will make a tragic mistake that will find him hoisted to the highest high, desperately screaming for mercy as he is driven down for a crushing finale. The only thing more brutal will be the realization that he didn't have what it takes to seal the deal. This is an outstanding match, which will be a joy for bulge-watchers, and for those who love men who look just as good flexing on top, as they do demolished sprawled on the ring mat.

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Kirk Donahue vs. Mason Broder
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Broder gets draped across Kirk's broad shoulders, carried around the ring in a fireman's carry

Mason manipulates Kirk's spine across his shoulders with a painful torture rack

Broder continues to weardown the bodacious babyface with a backbreaking boston crab

Kirk takes his turn in control, squatting on Mason's back in a brutal boston crab

Can a baby face Kirk still eke out the win? He kneels and flexes victoriously over Mason

Mason suffers and struggles yet fights back valiantly in the neckcrunching full nelson

Mason Broder: 5'9, 170 lbs

Fundamentals are key, as Broder proves working a struggling Kirk over in a bid for control

Mason neutralizes Kirk's power with an armhook as he wears him down with a rear chinlock

Kirk's idea of a fair fight vanishes as his opponent utilizes a foreign-object assisted choke hold

Kirk humps that perennial winning bulge against his opponent's ass in a full nelson

Mason realizes he may have underestimated the babyface as Kirk kneels and flexes victoriously

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