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  Paul Armstrong vs. Steve Hunter

Steve Hunter

Paul's pain increase with Steve's squeeze

Jaw jarring knee to the face

Nipple twister

Head cranking headscissors

Barefoot brawl: headscissors heaven!

Britbouts features the best of Britain's underground wrestlers, eager as they are to show how they take BG East style wrestling to a new level of erotic and sensual aggression. The series starts with this very traditional grappling match between evenly matched opponents...

Two blokes who love to wrestle! At our private matroom in London, tough hairy-chested Brit Steve wants to show cute Paul he's topman. Cute wears his revealing pink bikini-cut trunks seductively and provocatively. Steve tries to wear down the babyface with headlocks, pins, an armbusting hammerlock, and lots of sexy scissors! Paul shows he can soak up the pain, his ample basket visible in great detail in those form-fitting trunks.

They each have great legs that show how powerful these holds are cranked on as they flex and grapple, the intensity growing. Face-sitting pins, humping nelsons, ballgrabs, and other hot holds have these horny Brits turning the contest into a humiliation sub battle. Steve submits first, but he's unwilling to lose to the tough guy so it's a multi-submission fight-to-the-finish for two hot wrestlers who enjoy every minute, and who leave together.

PAUL: 6' 168 lbs.
STEVE: 5'10" 178 lbs.

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Paul Armstrong vs. Steve Hunter
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Britbouts 1 Arena Galleries

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Paul tries to escape certain doom

A British Boston crab

Paul Armstrong

Crotch crusher

Steve screams out in pain

A leglock backbreaker combo

Steve gasps for air

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