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  Brad Rochelle vs. Jonny Firestorm

Big Bad Brad

Single leg boston


Dragon sleeper

Splayed open

When the Cat's Away...

BG East is quiet. KL & staff are on tour. Contracted 'janitor' Brad arrives, mop and rags in hand, waiting obediently for KL's latest protege to let him in between sets of pumping up his amateur grappler's physique. "You're the new guy," Brad says, towering a head over Jon, remembering when he was the hot new face full of promise, not a cautionary tale wrestlers invoke when reminding each other, "don't cross the boss!" Jon isn't as polite: "The boss said I could practice holds on you anytime I wanted." Tossing $20 at Brad, he orders, "Meet me in the dungeon." Jonny warms up with a deadly serious set of sweeps, lunges and bridges. He may be new but he's no rookie--he's the proverbial wrestling squad bad ass, the guy who considers rules & refs bullshit. Perfect for BGE! "Let's get this over with," Brad sighs. No matter how deeply Leopard grinds him into paste, he maintains his pride. Jon's been waiting for this. "Get on your back!" When Brad obeys, John works the opening like the final, all-you-got climax of a one-sided squash: a wrenching single leg boston crab with a foot grinding Brad's face into the mat, into a nightmare submission combo as Brad moans with instant pain.

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Contract 6


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Brad Rochelle vs. Jonny Firestorm
36 minutes

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Horseshoe crab

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