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  Justin Pierce vs. Doc Holliday  


Scissored in those huge thighs

Caught in Doc's sleeper

Justin ready for more

Choked out for good?

Justin vs Infamous Underground Shootfighter

Barefoot in the ring and clad in his skimpiest trunks yet, Justin's assets are on ample display. "So you're the Goldenboy?" Doc sneers, "I'm not impressed." Technique vs. Strength: Holliday scores a submission with a visibly painful wrenching neck crank. But when he entwines his legs with Justin's and holds him down for an ultra-intimate full body pin, he clearly isn't as disinterested as his opening trash-talk implied. Justin scores with a cobra clutch and then full nelson/scissors combo, earning some grudging respect. But respect isn't the same thing as affection. Increasingly aggressive grappling. The final sleeper hold is perhaps the longest and most tightly cranked sleeper in BGE history. Three matches on one tape, each distinctive and offering a different side of Justin Pierce at his most viewable. A must have video!


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Spotlight: Justin Pierce


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Justin Pierce vs. Doc Holliday
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Mean Doc Holliday

Justin pins the shooter

Justin's stump-puller spreads Doc

Now Doc's enjoying a pin

Justin w/ a sleeper of his own

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