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  Jason Ward vs. Chuck Collins ('Tiger')

Jason ward

Chuck applies a surfboard

Jason pinned

Jason applies the pressure

Pro Style Mat Match

Both are barefoot, but it's all pro style action here as Collins works on Jason's arm by using every tortures arm hold variation that he can come up with. We see a camel clutch, full nelsons, knees to Jason's humpy butt, chicken wings and every slam, flip and suplex in the book. But if there is anything Chuck should know about Jason, it's that he can take a lot of punishment and still come back for more. And come back he does with his own painful series of leg holds including a long drawn out Indian death lock. The match continues with more and more spectacular holds until the ultra hot finish that will have you reaching of rewind!

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Jason Ward vs. Chuck Collins ('Tiger')
22 minutes
Arena Members Only
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A bearhug variation

A shoulder cranking back breaker

Chuck Collins

A camel clutch

Jason in agony

Chuck stretches out Jason

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