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  Kid Brock vs. Structure

Kid Brock

Arching over-the-knee backbreaker

Killing the Kid


Heavyweight Hunks

The emails will pour in after this tape hits the streets. Kid Brock is a GOD--huge, handsome and hunky with a muscular body of beautiful proportion. But despite his dimensions, Kid Brock is a babyface at heart, good naturedly introducing himself and offering his hand to his opponent. Structure, a hot hunk in his own right with much muscle draped in flawless dark skin and a pierced left tit, isn't so friendly, dismissing the rookie; "You may be big, but to me you're just another prettyboy." The bad attitude continues inside the ring. Structure attempts a sneak attack to the gut, but Kid Brock's ready, catches his boot and spins in into a full nelson. But Structure's no wimp. He makes good on a third escape attempt and after some vain attempts to overpower his bigger foe, wisely decides to work the big kid's big arm. Structure cheats to start the second round, but Kid Brock endures and retaliates with pure strength. Victory hangs on the final fall. A low blow! "You need some Structure in your life," the increasingly cocky heel taunts while the big guy quivers on the mat. A long, slow struggling sleeper equals a knock-out finale. Meanness trumps muscle every time!

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Kid Brock vs. Structure
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Kid Brock tames the lion

Structure puts Kid to sleep?


The face-off

A very tight choke sleeper

The big Kid Brock bearhug

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