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  Shannon Embry vs. Nik Knox

Brendan tries to scissor his way out of a headlock

Armbar pain

Dropkick comeback for Brendan

Nik's backbreaker over the knee

Huge suplex stuns the job-boy

Rope a Dope, or, Did I Just Step On You?

But alas for Shannon - he's forgotten the nasty truism: the ropes might be a momentary respite for you but they are a heel's best friend! And no one knows how to use the ropes better than Nik Knox! Nik runs through his repertoire of brutal rope tricks, even finding ways to use them for chokes that only a truly sadistic bastard (or his equally twisted Boss) could think of! His adrenaline pumping and his big muscles glistening with sweat from his satisfyingly sadistic tricks, he steps back to pose in triumph as he admires his heinous handiwork! Surely, the kid must be finished... but, and it surely will come as no surprise to his legion of loyal fans, our brave-hearted Shannon defiantly recovers to his feet. Nik Knox looks truly befuddled and amazed. He is more than happy to dish out some more pain to the pretty boy, but he discovers to his utter amazement that the kid has a trick or two up his own long sleeve, suddenly sending the thick thug reeling, rocking and rolling with a perfect flying drop-kick from nowhere! Shannon tries to follow up this advantage - but now Nik is enraged, and an engaged and enraged mobster is not a pretty sight!

It's no longer about winning for Nik - now it's about teaching a young punk a lesson he will never forget! A neck shattering full nelson has Shannon screaming in pain as Nik toys with him, marching him around the ring to show him who the master of the ring truly is! Body slams! How many and where would you like them, son? Over the knee backbreakers! A sleeper - but Nik isnâ??t ready to finish the kid off, not yet anyway, and he releases the sleeper hold just before Shannon's shutters flutter for the final time and the last of Embry's embers burns totally out! On the punishment goes, as the kid's screams become more muted, as his taut fair skin reddens from the blows raining onto his hapless body, as a suplex sends the kid flying across the ring! As he arches and trembles in agony, he is only presenting his defenseless body to the vicious thug for more stomps, more elbow drops, and more pain... and every scream only whets Nik's appetite to dole out even more punishment, even more agony, on the hapless youngster. A reverse bulldog headlock is followed by a neck-crunching camel clutch, a back breaking boston crab and by a boot across the throatâ??until one begins to think the kid is too dazed to surrender... and Nik's bloodlust shows no signs of being slaked as the beating continues... Delicious.

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Shannon Embry vs. Nik Knox
32 minutes

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Nik tosses his sack of Jobber

Get up, you piece of shit!

Nik tenderizes Brendan's back with stomps

Sadistic Nik bends Brendan back!

Stunned Nik is pinned... for a moment!

Back and head pain: Forehead BITTEN!

Nik gets him up for more punishment

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