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  Nathan FX vs. Sunny DeLeon

Nathan FX: 6'1, 170 lbs

Nathan may be setting himself up for failure as he underestimates his opponent to his face

Sunny climbs all over his bigger foe like a spider monkey, headscissoring and armbarring him

Sunny proves that size isn't everything, sitting comfortably atop Nathan in a cocky flexing schoolboy

Sunny relishes in his control, keeping Nathan stretched back and brutally bent over his knees

Nathan has had enough! He brings his scrappy challenger to his knees, choking him with his singlet

All I can do is underestimate you, you're so far below me!

Nathan FX doesn't care much for submission wrestling. "It's not my forte," he explains to Sunny DeLeon, soundingly oddly proud of the confession. "But I'm here to play," he says, promising that his superior size and strength will be more than enough to overcome Sunny's training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (and every other fight style!). "Looks like we've got a fun little David versus Goliath situation," Nathan chuckles, stepping close to stare down Sunny's nose, over half a foot taller than his opponent. "I'll try not to hurt you too much."

A half a second after they shake hands, the lightning-quick lightweight sweeps a leg and commandingly puts Nathan on his back. He has Nathan's long right arm locked up tight another second later, threatening to snap him at the elbow. Sunny remains cool and calculated, using his lumbering opponent like a practice dummy to lock down one submission hold after another. After making a cocky prediction that his strength would easily overwhelm Sunny's "style," Nathan looks like he's going to have to eat his words. But then a savage strike to Sunny's gut and a stomp on the lightweight's balls puts the cocky blond hunk in the driver's seat. "I may not be trained in this bullshit, but I'll do what I can!"

Despite being starkly mismatched in style and substance, the battle for domination is close-fought. Sunny's speed, agility, and studied technique repeatedly put Nathan in jeopardy. His triangle choke uses the blond bro's own bulging bicep to put the silently gaping hunk on the edge of passing out. "You're turning blue," Sunny warns with a smirk. "You'd better tap or you're going to nap." Nathan borrows extensively from the dirty tricks he's been picking up in the wrestling ring, though. After a few choice punches to the balls, he rips Sunny's singlet off and uses it to strangle the sexy, stunned fighter. "I'm going to take your ass down," he snarls.

The battle teeters back and forth as they trade submissions in nothing but jock straps and sweat. Nathan's size, strength, and sheer stubbornness keep him muscling his way back from one swarming submission hold after another. Effortlessly, he hoists the nearly naked lightweight grappler up in a torture rack and taunts as he does squats, the pouch of his stuffed jockstrap shimmying with excitement. Both amply armed combatants wring sweat, tears, and cries of submission out of each other. But it's another rear naked choke that leaves just one of them flexing in cocky victory over his vanquished foe, settling this latest test of strength versus skill.

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Nathan FX vs. Sunny DeLeon
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With his legs tightening around Nathan's waist, Sunny cranks his arm up his back in a chicken wing

Sunny leans back, seeing how far Nathan's length body will bend until it breaks in a camel clutch

Stretching out across his opponent's body, Sunny locks him down with a full body-weighted armbar

Sunny snaps and clamps his legs down tightly on Nathan's head, working his arm in a triangle choke

Nathan gets a handful of Sunny's bulge, clawing and choking him in a torture rack

Sunny coils around his taller foe and crushes the wind out of him with a bodyscissoring rear choke

Sunny DeLeon: 5'6, 140 lbs

Nathan drops to a knee, struggling to match pace with the smaller scrappier Sunny

Nathan looks knocked out as Sunny stretches him out in a grounded crucifix-styled armbar

Nathan finally makes use of his size advantage and bears down in a neck-crunching fullnelson

Nathan finds his longer limbs being used against him, leg locked, backbent, neck cranked on the mats

Nathan learns that looks can be deceiving, prostrated and knocked out under small, victorious Sunny

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