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  Brent Salvo vs. Kieran Dunne

Brent Salvo - 6', 185

Brent goes low and deep!

Thick thighed bodyscissors with crushing forearm smashes

Brent returns the favor

Kieran tries to claw his way out of Brent's tightly coiled sleeper

"The Man with the Mirror"

One morning during his daily Eye Candy Constitutional along the beach, The Boss spotted humpy Brent Salvo engaging with some friends in what appeared to be a combination of touch football and a pro wrestling Battle Royal. Pausing to observe, gold cigarette holder dangling from lip and walking stick in firmly in hand, The Boss noted that Brent alone among the sandy contestants was wearing a speedo. Oh yes, he certainly stood out! "Now, that's someone I could use in my stable," The Boss mused. While obviously not formally trained, The Boss has a eye trained to spot ... um ... natural ability, yeah! that's it! and decided to offer him a chance to prove himself in the BGEast arena. When Brent was told how much a contract could be worthâ??and that rules at BGEast were more like 'guidelines' (nice to follow, but not entirely necessary) Brent was more than happy to sign on the dotted line. "Rules are for pussies," Brent said, bringing a grin to The Boss' face. A young man after The Boss' own weathered and withered heart!

And who better for Brent to debut against then the self-styled "Goldenboy," Kieran Dunne? Kieran came to BGEast as an innocent cherubic babyface beauty but has in the ensuing years developed a bit of an attitude problem himself, accented by his thickly muscled sexy body and epitomized by his penchant for the very skimpy gold bikinis which gave birth to his self-dubbed moniker. Unfortunately, Kieran has always seemed to be more interested in looking 'pretty' than in winning matchesâ??which is why he has pretty much scored a blank in the win column. Not that the fans seem to mind! The more he loses the more the fans seem to love him for it. And with that face and butt, what's not to love?

And sure enough, he shows up at the gazebo wearing trademark gold and carrying an antique hand mirror (gift of a certain doting employer...) and admiring himself as he climbs the steps, not even acknowledging Brent's existence! "Stop looking in the mirror and let's get it on," Brent snaps finally, out of patience with the pretty boy. Kieran gives him a look of contempt, and begins showing off his gym-worked body. Brent gives him a shove, and Kieran mocks Brent's body. "Have you ever lifted a weight?" Kieran mocks, and an infuriated Brent takes him down! With a sneer, Brent graciously lets him back up. "I'm going to kick your ass like it's never been kicked," Brent laughs, and the two start circling again...they lock hands in a test of strength, and Kieran forces Brent down to his knees! He shoves Brent down and drops some knees into Brent's back....

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Grapplers 10


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Brent Salvo vs. Kieran Dunne
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Standing surfboard w knee drive

Brent bridges under Kieran's SBP

Kieran brings a knee up

Bearhug: Brent hoisted high

Look boy, look! Squashed rookie!

Brent locks on a double arm bar

Take a walk on the dark side!

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