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  Jean-Luc Menard vs. Chris Xaos

Bulging reverse bearhug

Arching neck crank & crotch claw

CrotchWatch: Trampled underfoot

Rib crushing reverse bearhug

Chris Xaos forces Jean-Luc Menard to arch his growing bulge as he displays him in the mirror


These lads are ready and ripe for some hot mat action and they know how to push each others buttons -and other body parts as well! They trade cheeky face slaps before Chris grabs some French balls! A rib crushing reverse bearhug has the sexy Frenchman surrendering in a matter of seconds - Chris announces that he is done with playing. The game is now all about dominance, physical, sensual and psychological. To make his point and assert his claim to alpha status, Xaos clamps on a nasty twisting head scissors that has Jean-Luc screaming out another submission.

Showing a emerging heel streak that was only hinted at in his earlier matches, Chris targets Jean-Luc's ample and inviting bulge for special attention and abuse. He repeatedly tortures that sexy sack until sexy suffering Jean Luc is immobilized by the intense and ever-increasing pain emanating from his bulge and coursing through his mind and body! With his sexy singlet peeled down to expose his well-defined torso, Jean-Luc knows it's now do or die and decides to go on the attack. But he finds himself caught in a nasty full nelson! The submissions are coming faster now, and as Jean-Luc tries to collect himself, to make a comeback, Chris shows he will have none of that! Humiliation time!

Ah, but the Jean is strong, aggressive and mat-crafty and he takes control with a vengeance! Chris' cocky grin vanishes as he discovers just how big a bitch payback can be! Jean-Luc isn't averse to sustaining and prolonging submission holds long AFTER a verbal tap-out! But when you're going to play with the big dogs - you'd best be prepared to get as good as you give! And Chris Xaos is more than happy to get down and dirty!

The match keeps getting dirtier and nastier and sexier- holds are held longer, ball grabs traded back and forth, cruel laughter accompanying brutal submission holds, contemptuous ass slapping - but the nastiness seems to bring out the eroticism in each of them. And the winner is definitely going to be taking his prize starting with a sizzling liplock...

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Jean-Luc Menard vs. Chris Xaos
26 minutes

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Pounded & scissored

Jean-Luc's body tightens up as he squeezes Chris Xaos' head

Jean-Luc applies the pressure

Face to face hammerlock

Tight headscissors & ball grab

Face first in Jean-Luc's boner

This match has it all: Aggression, attraction, submissions and a simmering, smoking sensuality!

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