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  Kid Karisma vs. Dev Michaels

The powerful stud forced to his knees as the smaller man flexes down from above

Butt up! Kid Karisma rolls up big, bad Dev into a secure, tight package to gain the pinfall

Giving it everything he's got, Dev crushes a screaming Karisma in a reverse bearhug

Karisma is fading fast in this bearhug, Dev's powerful arms looking set to snap his spine

"The Boss? Who's the boss?!" super sweaty Dev reigns supreme in a schoolboy on Kid Karisma

Who's the Boss!?

Neither of these impeccably built musclemen is about to concede that he's in danger of being outmuscled. This match unfolds as a full-on, sweat-soaked, power-hitting, muscle challenge from start to finish. Bearhugs, bodyslams, full nelsons, and gut punches are traded, with both hunks demonstrating that they can take as much as they can give. "I hear you've been talking a lot of shit around here," Dev snarls, hoisting his opponent high in another bearhug and pounding the Kid's tailbone down hard across his knee.

Dev dominates in a test of strength, bringing Kid K to his knees and pounding him into the mat. Cocky Kid clearly cannot believe that he's just been outmuscled, and he instantly raises his hands for a best of three. Those 30 extra pounds of massive beef that Dev carries once again bear down on his awed opponent, and Karisma finds himself on the receiving end of a boatload of knee drops, stomps, and slams. When Dev locks those telephone poles he calls his thighs around Karisma's tiny waist, you can hear the air come rushing out of Kid's lungs. "Give up!" the big man demands. "Take a deep breath, come on," Dev patiently coaches his opponent through the agony he's inflicting until Kid K is able to suck down just enough air to gasp, "I give!" Dev flexes over top of his furiously humbled opponent. "I'm telling the Boss you're fucking wearing leopard!" Kid K threatens.

"The Boss? Who's the boss!?" Dev snaps back, pounding his pecs and demonstrating precisely who he considers to be the boss around here.

Kid K has never been dominated like this before, and Dev has never been manhandled like this, and never by an opponent so much smaller. The Boss' pet digs his claws deep, nearly ripping big Dev's massive pecs off the bone! Kid Karisma loses his trunks first, the fight milked right out of him while caught again between Dev's crushing thighs. In nothing but a tiny, leopard print thong wedged between those epic ass cheeks, the wunderkind returns the favor shortly thereafter, locking the mountain of muscle up nice and tight in a standing headscissors and stripping him to a muscle-ass-revealing thong as well.

When the immovable object meets the unstoppable force, you get precisely this match. You also get pools of sweat, bone-crushing power moves, and one, and only one, ripped muscle stud man enough to walk out of the ring still wearing leopard print! The astonishingly well-matched power, egos, and absolute certainty in their destinies to dominate keep this astonishingly hot contest incredibly close to the bitter end.

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Spotlight: Kid Karisma


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Kid Karisma vs. Dev Michaels
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Both studs drenched in sweat as one flexes, sending the other to dreamland

Dev dominates a humbled Kid K forcing his award winning ass to arch tantalizingly in the air

Looking like Tarzan, Karisma carts Dev around the ring on his shoulder

Kid K screams in agony as the big man's legs constrict and pressure his ribcage

Fear showing on his face as he awaits the jarring effects of the atomic drop

"Show off that pretty butt!" Dev roars, locking the smaller stud's head under his arm

Dev, crawling on his knees as the Kid stands over him controlling, beautiful ass on display

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