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  Joe Robbins vs. Eddy Rey

Joe Robbins, 6'2" 240 lbs

Big Joe tries to wear down the Brazilian beefcake with his huge leg power

Bearhugged from behind, Eddy uses all his strength just to keep breathing

Joe choke slamming the feisty Brazilian!

Head squeezed and arched in display, Eddy makes a fine example of how the mighty have fallen

Rattle the Rafters! Muscles Matched, Muscles Mashed

Big Joe Robbins has quietly been one of the most dominant forces in the BG East ring for years. His massively muscled body is chiseled out of solid stone. The powerhouse does not suffer fools lightly, and let's face it, you have to question the judgment of just about anyone eager to square off against him. His soft spoken, icy coolness makes the massive muscle man just that much more intimidating. Most guys should count themselves lucky if they can make Big Joe break a sweat, much less whether they can be the first wrestler to bring the juggernaut to his knees. But that elusive prize, to be the first to conquer mighty Joe Robbins, keeps luring ambitious hunks back into the lion's den.

Eddy Rey is certainly many things, but he's nobody's fool. The Brazilian beefcake sports a phenomenal physique that has earned him a whole lot of admirers. His fashion model cheekbones and bouncing pecs have even caught the eye of The Boss himself, who knows and likes his prime beef better than anyone. With a little coaching and a whole lot of raw talent, Eddy has been waiting for a breakout, signal-sending victory to mark his ascendancy in the BG East ranks. However, paradoxically, Eddy's dazzling beauty, stunning physique and that huge bulge have been his downfall. And like Narcissus captured by the sight of his own beauty, Eddy's love affair with his own image in the mirror has repeatedly distracted him from closing the deal. With so much promise and so little to show for it, Eddy's most powerful benefactor has been growing impatient to see the Brazilian seal the deal and take down one of the biggest men in the company.

From outside the ring, Eddy studies mighty Joe as he flexes his granite-carved muscles. His skimpy silver briefs may well be the first time Eddy has faced someone wearing trunks smaller than his! No one in their right mind should fail to be duly impressed with the awesome sight of Joe posing his peaked biceps and flexing his gargantuan quads, but Eddy just shakes his head dismissively. "What? You wanna step in the ring here and have a pose off with me?" Joe asks. "You got what it takes? You got the balls?"

Eddy Rey is an exquisitely sexy specimen of a man, but for sheer size, big Joe unquestionably has the edge over the Brazilian in their side-by-side posedown. "You got nothing on that," Joe laughs as he shoves a double-bicep in Eddy's face. Furiously, Eddy retaliates by locking a full nelson on the behemoth. Now, there are few men with the strength to control massive Joe Robbins in a full nelson for more than half a second. To Joe's surprise, Eddy Rey is one of those rare studs! Joe tries to muscle his way free and is clearly astonished when big Eddy's grip remains as strong as steel. Even worse for mighty Joe, Eddy climbs onto Joe's huge back to lock his luxuriously long legs around the powerhouse's waist. Squeezing him like a python, Eddy coils his crushing muscles all around Joe's body. Try as he might, Big Joe's vaunted power cannot outmuscle nor shake off the sexy beast who's locked on like a python. Suddenly, you have to ask yourself, which of these stunning hunks is destined to be bashed here today!?

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Joe Robbins vs. Eddy Rey
26 minutes

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Joe snaps on and grinds his patented suspended side bodyscissors: there's no escaping this!

Crotch-ripped and forced to contemplate his hubris, Eddy cries out

Eddy Rey, 6'1" 210 lbs

Eddy slips behind and catches the bodybuilder in a full nelson

Powerhouse Joe squats suffering Eddy like a light barbell

Joe stretches Eddy's glistening muscles in a backpack backbreaker! Ouch!

Joe shows the stud just what he's dealing with

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