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  Kid Karisma vs. Blaine Janus

Kid Karisma locks Blaine up tight with no possibility of escape from his headlock/bodyscissor

Karisma rallies, lifting the bodyscissoring Blaine up off the mats for an escape slam

The Karismatic One's krushing thighs kollapse Janus' ribkage as he klaws futilely at the Kid's peks

Kid K flexes up a peaked bicep, assured that he has his northern opponent completely cowed

Karisma flexes his legs and grinds his barefoot into beautiful Blaine's suffering solar plexus

Kick Your Kid Day!?

Kid Karisma keeps asking Blaine Janus if he likes the feel of his rock hard body dominating him. Does Blaine enjoy having that massive, zippered bulge shoved in his face over and over again? Unabashed, Blaine blurts the obvious, that yes indeed, he does like it. A lot.

"You want my dick back in your face?" Kid K threatens. With the ambient sound of birds and frogs surrounding the summery gazebo on the shores of Lake BG, you can listen hard and you're not going to hear Blaine protesting Karisma's offer. "Oh God, that's too easy!" Kid Karisma marvels, flexing his fantastic physique and showing off his hot award-winning ass and ripped muscles as Blaine feels his bulging muscles.

"This is nothing!" the cocky Canadian Blaine grunts, squeezed so intimately between his opponent's massive thighs. "My massage therapist does more than you!"

It looks like it's going to be a rout until Blaine literally digs in with both hands, torturing Kid Karisma's nipples, suddenly, and absolutely, bringing the unstoppable force to a grinding halt. Blaine Janus has found Kid Karisma's Achilles' heel, namely, his supersensitive nipples! The eager Canuck is more than happy to go to town with nipple torture, setting up Kid K with a ball claw finisher to wring a shocking first fall submission out of the irrepressible party boy. "Not so tough now, are you?" Blaine taunts. "You know what today's holiday is? Kick your Kid day!" Blaine kicks him in his award-winning ass.

With that massive ego bruised, Kid Karisma is on a mission to prove his body is the hottest, his mouth is the smartest, and his wrestling is destined to dominate the cocky Canadian. Blaine is quickly battered and bashed, lured limp with seductive kisses before getting racked across his opponent's shoulders. An airplane spin and slam to the mat leave the blue-eyed northerner dazed and helpless, which is particularly dangerous when Kid K is determined to smother you with his bulging pecs!

The erotic tension between these two incredibly sexy grapplers is absolutely electric! Smart mouths, gorgeous bodies, and an incredibly deep mutual admiration for each other's hot bodies make this battle of the party boys one of the sexiest, most playful bouts you'll ever see. Yes, that zippered pouch on Kid Karisma gets unzipped (with Blaine's teeth!) and yes, without a doubt, these two make out before, during, and after one hot hunk is sleepered out cold. No one leaves unsatisfied, even though one beaten beauty does leave hoisted over the victor's shoulder. Not that you'll hear him complaining.

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Grapplers 16


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Blaine pushes up, arching against Karisma's hands, trying to escape the reverse schoolboy

The crafty canuck grabs a handful of the Karismatic kock, scissoring the stud's arms behind his back

Blaine proves too slippery to hold onto as he wriggles his way free of Karisma's inverted bearhug

Blaine gains the upperhand on a seemingly gassed-out Kid Karisma, mounting his back for a camel

KK swagger: the multiple award-winning ass juts high in the air, grinding his bulge in Blaine's face

Kid Karisma admires his own quads as he foils Blaine's escape with a standing bodyscissors

The two gazebo grapplers engage in a liplocking bearhug, no longer able to subdue their lust

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