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  Morgan Cruise vs. Brad Barnes

Revenge headlock! Showing the muscle stud how it's done

Brad's beautiful butt bounces around as he's tortured

Preparing to lock a Boston crab on the hard bodied hunk

Double hunderhook butterfly lock, cranking the neck & shoulders

Ripped muscles bulge as Morgan makes Brad squirm in a leg lock

Wrestling Hunk, or Tantalizing Hunk of Meat?

Cruise drags the battered Barnes up to the corner, setting up those solid abs for more punishment, before chopping the big man down with a double-axehandle to the spine and more boots to Barnes' increasingly bruised bod. The bashed hunk manages to stand and walks right into an insulting slap from the once-again dominant Cruise, anger crossing Barnes' face as he steadies himself. Cruise is clearly in control, not just out to win but to humiliate, and to devastate. He chokes, stretches, and bends Barnes on the mat and on his feet, playing with this mountain of muscle like a cat with a mouse. Two hundred pounds of determined wrestler doesn't go down so easy though, and with one elbow to the ribs Barnes nearly lifts Cruise clear off his feet. Another blow sends the heel flying off the ropes and up into those massive arms for a brutal body slam. Even Cruise can't stop himself writhing in pain on the mat as Barnes crashes down on top of him, the bodybuilder finally where he wants to be.

Cruise is forced to his feet, short of breath and options as the Alpha Male gets manhandled by the man he called jobber at the outset of this match. Sinking low, seemingly weak, the heel shows his true colors again with a shot to Barnes' balls. The tables are turned again as Barnes finds himself face-to-crotch with Cruise's bulge in the Mastodon's skull-crushing scissors. Flailing, weakening, the bodybuilder is rolled onto his back, head still squeezed between vice-like thighs as he suffers the first humiliating pin of the match. Unable to stand, Barnes finds himself staring up at the merciless hunter. Cruise may now be ready for the kill, he moves to attack the hunk's legs, then arms, finally choking him on the mats. Barnes looks about to accept another loss in his BG East career, but suddenly finds his chance and catches the hunter between his own massively muscled legs. Cruise is screaming and struggling between two thighs like tree trunks, but he gets nowhere, and Barnes finally has his way with the alpha male, twisting an arm and a neck, fighting to wring a submission from the Mastodon. Cruise is caught in a death grip and Barnes isn't letting up until he finds the victory he's craving. Will it be the bodybuilder's muscles or the hunter's instincts that finally break this deadlock?

Whether by strength or sheer tenacity, the fight continues, both men tearing into the other with increasing ferocity. Legs, backs, and even necks look like they may be broken by the punishment both hunks receive. Barnes fights with everything he's learned against past opponents, but the Mastodon isn't above more dirty tactics to win. By the end of this match, one wrestler is left out cold on the mat, his opponent staring down mockingly as he's slowly counted out. But the winner won't be satisfied with just a count out. Both men came here to prove something, and two egos and bodies have been battered and bruised in this fight. The winner wants to hear the loser screaming out his name in total submission and abject humiliation, leaving the ring with no doubt as to which of these men was the alpha male, and which was just a hunk of meat.

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Morgan Cruise vs. Brad Barnes
32 minutes

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Unique bodyscissor/chinlock combo, Brad Barnes is more than just a handsome face and hunky body

Nursing his nads after a dastardly low blow, Morgan talks trash to his downed opponent

Bad ass ring brawlers intensely stare each other down

Seeing how far the muscle boy can bend in a tight camel clutch

Showing his power Cruise hoists the hunk high in the air

Big Brad powers Morgan up for a ring rattling body slam

Hunk bashed, Morgan takes a moment to celebrate his dirty work

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