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  Chace LaChance vs. Paul Hudson

Chase LaChance: 5'9, 165

Paul is completely at Chace's mercy in a suspended full nelson

Chace digs his fists deep into Hudson's back as he lifts him in a bearhug

LaChance's lean muscular body stretched out over the ropes exposed to the heel's attacks

Chace's muscled body contorts and stretches as his neck is cranked back over the ropes

Alarm on his face, Hudson escapes a neckbreaker by the skin of his teeth

The Journey for Muscle Begins: The Spark Ignites

Best 2016 Wrestler Spotlight
Receiving a Spotlight Series is the highest honor BG East can bestow, showcasing one of our phenomenal wrestlers in three separate matches. This unique Spotlight stands apart from others, though, highlighting the astounding journey of body and size that Chace LaChance has been on since he first walked through our door.

And so this Spotlight Series opens with the match that began it all, Chace LaChance's debut match for BGE! Already eagerly awaiting his opponent in the ring, Chace is the epitome of a lean, smooth babyface beauty, with an amazing ass on full display thanks to the red trunks that look painted on. Literally hopping in the ring, executing some astounding standing flips, Chace clearly cannot wait for his inaugural match to begin. And who better to be his first opponent than the high-flying veteran, Paul Hudson!

Making a circuit around the outside of the ring, Hudson is showing that he knows what he's doing. "I'm sizing you up, chump!" Circuit complete, Paul still stands outside the ring as he asks "Ready to face me?" Chace, newbie that he is, walks over to say yes, but Hudson's already learned one of the keys to victory: play dirty. Before Chace knows what's happening, Paul shoulder-blocks him in the gut from the outside, leaving him a heap in the middle of the ring.

Paul slides in and gets ready to fling Chace into the corner. But even if Chace is at his smallest here, those muscles still pack a heck of a lot of power! Reversing the throw, it's Chace flinging Hudson into the corner before he launches Paul across the ring twice with insanely powerful hiptosses. Chace quickly locks on an armbar that leaves Paul squirming on the mat, but Hudson promises he won't be laughing for long. It's a promise he quickly follows up on, as he reverses a throw into an over-the-shoulder slam down to the mat. These two may be about the same size, but Paul has a LOT more experience in the ring!

Rolling Chace into a crotch-splitting spladle, Paul literally laughs off his attempts at punching his back trying to escape, even goading him along to keep on trying. Those escape attempts only land Chace in a figure-four headscissors and a pair of boots getting rubbed in his face for good measure. "Let me go! Let me go!" Chace pleads. Paul can't believe it. "Can't believe you're asking for mercy this early into the match." Completely controlling his opponent, Paul is caught off guard when Chace swings his legs up and around Paul's head, locking on a painful headscissors. "How do you like that?!" Chace asks, throwing in some gut bashing for good measure.

But Paul Hudson has been in too many matches to let a rookie take him down. Using his own fantastic agility, he manages to reverse the headscissors, locking on his own, and cranking out some push-ups for good measure. "I could do this all day. This is like a day off for me." Already committed to playing dirty, Paul drags Chace up and ties him into the ropes, where he alternates between viciously choking Chace out with his boots and launching a flurry of furious blows to those fantastic abs.

While Paul clearly has the advantage thanks to his vast in-ring experience, Chace is certainly no slouch when it comes to dishing out punishment. The two go back-and-forth, moves and attacks escalating, from full nelsons and boston crabs to pec bashing and ab claws. The action even spills outside, where the two execute some fantastic bearhugs, utilizing the ring posts for maximum pain! In the end, a vicious sleeper leaves the loser a broken shell on the mat. Will Paul Hudson's veteran status and dirty tricks hand him the victory, or will the budding musclehunk Chace LaChance score an upset? This match serves as a fantastic entry point for this amazing Spotlight Series!

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Spotlight: Chace LaChance


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Chace LaChance vs. Paul Hudson
31 minutes

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Chace tortures Paul's shoulder with a grounded armlock

Paul grins sadistically as he digs his boot into his opponent's throat

Chace tosses Hudson up and over across the ring

The muscled arms of Chace locked as Paul ties him up on the mats

Helplessly trussed up in the ropes, Chace takes a boot to the throat

Hudson arches the ripped body of his opponent with a backbending neckcrank

Paul Hudson: 5'7, 155

Hudson wears down the bigger boy with a tight full nelson

Paul sits far back in a single leg boston crab, his ring expertise working in his favor

Hudson flexes dominantly as he controls the muscled prettyboy

Paul works on wearing Chace down with a tight rear naked choke

Hudson drops the ko'd pretty boy to the mat and poses triumphantly

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