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  Payton Meadows vs. Sergio Madena

Payton Meadows: 5'9, 175

Payton puts the newbie through his paces with an overlapping toe hold and chinlock combo

Sergio crunches comfortably as he controls beautiful-butt Payton with a rolling headscissors

Payton arches as he struggles in the big bearhug, his sexy bulge crushed into Sergio abs

Sergio humiliates and humbles the handsome Canadian as he flexes in the sexy stud's face

Sergio flexes as he plants his flag and takes his place in high-stakes mat competition

3 Languages, 2 Muscle Hunks, 1 Sensational Match!

Payton Meadows is accustomed to fawning attention. The Quebecois hunk's phenomenal physique approaches aesthetic perfection. He has honed his magnifique muscles to a razor's edge. His classically handsome face and his easy, genuine smile are as disarming as his sensational body is dangerous. Payton makes straight men swoon. Looking like he does, it's little wonder that he's as cocky as hell. It should also come as no surprise that potential opponents are lined up to knock his perfect ass down a peg.

Sergio Madena set his sights on Payton's ass from the first moment he laid eyes on him. The Spanish stud has little wrestling experience, but the chance to make Payton a whole lot less pretty lured the international power lifter and personal trainer to the BG East mats.

"Who the hell are you?" Payton asks with a debonair wink and a grin. "You don't stand a chance against me." He soaks in Sergio's studied attention. He literally pulls out some baby oil to show off his rippling abdominal oblique muscles for his challenger. The more Payton poses and preens, the angrier the Spanish stunner grows. He flexes his own mountainous muscles, pitting muscle against muscle with one of the top fantasymen in competition. Payton scoffs. "That's not going to do it for you," he predicts. "You're just an easy warm up for me, my friend." "I'm ready for this!" Sergio growls bitterly. "You think you're ready, but you're not," Payton looks down his nose at the untested strongman.

Trilingual trash talk flies freely as the contrasting physique stars square off in a test of strength. The powerlifter overcomes a height disadvantage early to muscle Payton down to one knee. Just when the rookie begins to gloat, Payton powers back to his feet and drives Sergio to his own knees, a reversal which gives Meadows a chuckle. When Sergio lands punches into the marble wall of Payton's abdominals, Payton smirks at him. "That's all you can do? Harder!" he demands, chipping away at the rookie's confidence and demonstrating why he's become one of the most popular babyface muscle men in competition.

With his signature grinning cockiness, Payton tests and taunts Sergio into fiercer acts of aggression. However, Payton's smartass trash talk gets turned off at the spigot when the powerlifter hoists him up off his feet in a breath-stealing bearhug. "Who is your boss?" Sergio taunts, neutralizing all of Payton's mindblowing muscle. A bearhug will do that!

The insults fly in French, Spanish and English as the powerful wrestlers trade crushing scissor holds. "You like it, eh?" Payton taunts when he traps Sergio in intimately tight face-to-crotch headscissors. He playfully slaps the Spaniards ass and adoringly kisses is own bicep in self-congratulations. "You weren't expecting this, eh?" The more he gloats, the more brutally Sergio fights back. He muscles the Quebecois beauty into a Boston crab and reaches behind to slap Payton's granite carved glutes. "Soumettre toi!" he demands, prying Payton apart by the joints until the handsome hunk concedes in total submission.

An over the shoulder hangman finally leaves one beefcake battler helplessly handing over the go-ahead fall. The bitter humiliation is poignant, as the victor refuses to relent until he's heard the total submission in three languages. "You're so weak," he scoffs, displaying his proven superior physique for his legion of fans to adore. "Not even a challenge."

Halfway off the mats, the sore loser sucker punches him in the balls from behind. Victory is elusive. Satisfaction is bitterly hard to come by on the wrestling mats. And the more "enorme" the muscles, the more grande the egos, and the bitterer the trash talk, the harder they fall. Another one of BG East's beau gems from north of the border.

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Payton Meadows vs. Sergio Madena
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Undagear 28 Arena Galleries

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Sexy, seductive Sergio throws up a bicep flex as the veteran screams in pain

The newbie shows off some serious skill with a backbreaking chinlock

Sergio's muscles swell as he works a crippling leglock on his initiator

Sergio flexes and swells as he muscles free of Payton's coiling control

Payton's ridiculously ripped midsection put to the test in Sergio's bodyscissors

Payton in serious trouble as he tries to pry himself free of the hairpulling headscissors

Sergio Madena: 5'6, 165

Sergio arches in pain trapped and arched back in Payton's neck-breaking hangman variation

Neck hurting, Sergio finds himself pinned under the foot of the fiercely-flexing Payton

Lifted off his feet, Payton tries to pull himself free of a reverse bearhug

Payton punished by the power-packed quads of the newbie in a brutal standing headscissors

Sergio makes Payton regret putting down a challenge as he pummels those spectacular abs

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