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  Brute Baynard vs. Kirk Donahue

Brute Baynard: 5'10, 210 lbs

Brute's massive claws digs, rips, and tears away at a ground-bound Kirk's trap muscle

Brute lets out a battle cry as he yanks the prettyboy off his feet in a rib-crushing bearhug

Bulging beautifully and broken brutally, Kirk's body bent across the broad shoulders in a rack

Kirk is hung out to dry on the unforgiving ring ropes, wrenched back in a camel clutch

Trapped on the bottom buckle, Kirk gets stomped and trampled into the corner by a big boot

Goliath Awaits

Everyone loves an underdog story: the overmatched competitor who, through a combination of heart, desire, determination and skill, somehow manages to overpower and defeat an opponent they shouldn't have a chance of beating in a million years. Kirk Donahue has become an underdog of sorts since his arrival at BGEast. With his boyish face, lean muscular fan-fave body, and crazy pro wrestling skills, it's hard to root against him when he laces up his boots and climbs into the ring. Later multiple-personality heel-turns aside, he's often been overmatched. But Donahue gives his every battle his everything. Now the Boss has sent him the biggest challenge.

Kirk is stretching and getting warmed up in the ring when his massive opponent climbs up on the ring apron: Brute Baynard, who with incredulous surprise on his face, simply asks, "Dude, what are you doing here?" with a shake of his disbelieving head. "Just looking for a competitive match," Donahue replies as the aptly named Brute parts the ropes to make way for his massively muscular physique in his patented pre-slaughter ring entrance. Poor Kirk. Nothing could have prepared him for this massive monster whose bloodlust won't be satisfied until his opponent is a twitching pile of tenderized muscle in the center of the ring.

The two lock-up loud and fast - and Brute shrugs Kirk off like an annoying gnat, sending the stud flying backwards into the corner! Gamely, Kirk tries to make another move on the man mountain, only to get thrown back into a different corner with greater force! But before Kirk can clear his thoughts, Brute moves in and the torture begins, powerfully and slowly. Targeting first Kirk's delectable shoulder, twisting and bending the arm to apply the most incredibly painful torque to the joint, Brute whips through a methodical series of moves, holds, and blows to weaken the increasingly fragile socket and upper arm. Kirk, helpless to resist, unable to stop the onslaught of tactics designed to weaken him and send his own cries of pain echoing into the rafters, can only hope to make it through this beating with his ego and bones intact.

Finished with weakening the shoulder, Brute now moves down to Kirk's leg, using the corner and the ropes to his advantage to increase the torturous pain he is inflicting. Kirk somehow stays conscious, resisting, trying anything he can think of in his clouded mind to reverse, get some advantage, make a courageous comeback. This monster of a man has bulldozed and destroyed every one he's gotten into the ring with; Kirk's hope of besting him is fading. "Is this competitive enough for you?" Brute taunts hapless Kirk as he bends him over the ropes, launching blow after blow into the young stud's torso, yanking him contemptuously by the hair up from the mat as the smaller man convulses with agony from the last blow.

How much can the young hunk take? How much punishment can his muscled body handle? Brute plays with his victim much as a cat with a mouse, slapping him back awake whenever he seems ready to pass out, relentlessly lifting and choking and slamming and stomping and kicking and beating Kirk, until Kirk himself can barely find the strength or air to even groan or scream in agony, his body completely at the Brute's mercy - and finding that Brute Baynard may be many things, but merciful isn't one of them...

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Brute Baynard vs. Kirk Donahue
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Kirk can do little but gasp for help and gag for mercy as his throat is crushed over the ropes

Kirk's leanly-muscled body dangles like a broken marionette, ragdolling in the turnbuckles

Brute drives his knee into Kirk's to turn up the pressure as his leg is tortured in the ropes

A pinned Kirk gets his handsome face crushed and ground by Brute's big forearm

Brute sets himself to the task of breaking the babyface's legs with a crushing scissor hold

Dropped like a bad habit, Brute viciously flings his much smaller opponent to the mats

Kirk Donahue: 5'10, 170 lbs

BGEast's golden boy's bodacious body brutally bent, broken, and battered in the ropes by Brute

Kirk clings to Brute (and to his hope spot!) as he rides his broad back with a sleeperhold

Kirk's leg is wound and bound tightly in the ropes as Brute drives a big knee into the appendage

With his jobber's body laying broken and beaten into oblivion on the mats, Brute closes in

The writing's on the wall for Kirk as he struggles feebly in the single-arm jap strangle

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