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  Ace Aarons vs. Sunny DeLeon

Ace Aarons: 5'9, 187 lbs

Turning the newbie's dreams of wrestling stardom upside down, Ace piledrivers him into the canvas

The adorable Sunny gets his face ripped in a vicious fishhook to the mouth under the bruiser

Ace admires his work in the mirror with the jobber bent and broken on his shoulders in a torture rack

Ace lords dominantly over the unconscious, beaten, fresh-faced jobber in this ring mauling

Ace is as brutal a bully as they come, yanking Sunny back with a dirty, underhanded gear choke

Ace Aarons' Bitch

Ace Aarons' mouth waters at the prospect of wrestling a rookie. Sunny isn't 'new', certainly not in real time on the scene, but you can count the number of his BG East matches on your fingers. Ace gets up close to the jobber, informing DeLeon that he doesn't have a chance in this match. Sunny nods his head, his eyes locked onto Ace's. He's motionless as a statue, with his hands on his hips. Ace acknowledges that Sunny is in good shape, but then his eyes catch sight of himself in the mirror, and he's distracted for a few seconds. Sunny flexes, and Ace gives him credit for his rock-hard biceps, but when Sunny moves in closer, Ace backs off. "Impress me!" Ace demands, and Sunny complies with a few classic poses. Then, without warning, Ace attacks Sunny from behind, clobbering the back of his neck and sending him face down on the mat.

We can't say we didn't see this coming. Ace is the quintessential heel. He cannot resist blindsiding an opponent, especially one so seemingly naïve and reserved as DeLeon. He claws at Sonny's nose, ready to rip it off his face. Next, he attacks his opponent's back, hauling up Sonny's upper body only to slam it back to the mat. "C'mon, Sonny!" he yells, pulling him up by his hair to a kneeling position, nicknaming him "Ace Aaron's Bitch." He orders Sonny to get up on his feet. "Wanna fight?" he snarls and boots the kid in the gut. Ace lifts him up and rushes towards a corner. There he delivers a series of harder blows, then pulls him back to the center of the ring to clamp him between his knees, then stomp, smashing his face to the mat.

None of this comes as a surprise. Ace is a born bully, and few are as good as he is in fulfilling the role. Since his debut, Ace has clobbered his way through pretty boys like Richie Douglas, Luke Lonza, Calvin Haynes, Tiko, and Carson Crawford, among other cuties you haven't seen in a long time and have probably forgotten ... because Ace Aarons got to them. Ace is a scorched-earth type of competitor. He lives on outrage and destruction. His weapons of choice are his fists. Bare-knuckled clobbering is his favorite game, and he is a damn good player, and he enjoys every moment, so much so that his opponents often find themselves enjoying it too.

Ace gets a clean cover on Sonny and starts pounding a three-count on the mat. He interrupts the count, proclaiming, "I'm not done with you yet." He won't let Sonny come up for air. He seems particularly outraged by Sonny's resilience, as tenuous as it is. When he asks whether DeLeon is ready to submit, he gets "no" for an answer. Ace hates "no" for an answer. Yet Aarons is torn between hating it and savoring the chance to wreak more havoc, all day long, if possible.

If you want to see Sonny in control, wait for the middle and highpoint of the match, as DeLeon escapes a side headlock and clamps a chokehold on the heel. Don't blink, though. Aarons is an escape artist on top of being a bruiser. He refuses to tap out and goes (literally) for the jugular. Sonny DeLeon gets one or two more hope spots in this match, but Aarons is the great and mighty destroyer of hope.

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Ace Aarons vs. Sunny DeLeon
26 minutes

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Jobberpaloozer 23 Arena Galleries

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Ace's powerful, bulging biceps crush Sunny's windpipe in an unrelenting rear naked choke

Looking just as stunned as the rest of us, Ace is helplessly leglocked and choked by none other than Sunny

Sunny's legs are stretched helplessly wide as Ace rains his boot down on his exposed crotch

Putting his best foot forward, a socked Ace bends Sunny with a grinding stomp to his skull

Ace flashes his crocodile smile with his jobber kneeling and wasted, nearing the end of his rope

Sunny finds himself facedown in the mat as the brutal conquering heel flexes over top of him

Sunny DeLeon: 5'6, 140 lbs

Ace can barely contain his laughter as the earnest jobber tries to win the flex off against him

Sonny hangs like a wet towel over Ace's shoulder as he's carried and driven into the corner

Sunny stuns everyone (including Ace) by taking the heel to the mat in a bodyscissoring choke combo

Ace looks to snuff Sunny's dreams out for his determination and disrespect with a hand smother

Sunny screams and bulges, arching in the corner after another brutal turnbuckle trouncing

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