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  Dane Tarsen vs. Wolf Schmidt*

Dane Tarsen

Gearing up for action

Dane grinds in it

Hard and horny

European Stud-fight

Tattooed German musclestud Wolf preens before the mirror before opening his hotel room door ushering in the suited just-from-work Dane. The mutual attraction is palpable as the steamy man-studs man-strip each other, Dane out of his sexy suit and tie, Wolf out of his skin-tight bubble-butt jeans. But once they hit the mattresses it becomes immediately clear who's the veteran and who's the rookie. Rough and tuff Dane wearing a tight shiny white singlet clearly enjoys and easily punishes and humiliates his bigger teutonic rival, racking up pins and submissions using conventional holds but also chokes and smothers. Wolf gets twisted and pretzled, butt and sack-smacked into submission. When the singlet straps come down the action gets sexier but no less aggressive. Dane stuffs his bulging pouch deep into Wolf's mouth giving new meaning to a schoolboy smother pin. Wolf makes good use of his thick poweful legs around Dane's head and ribs but then in payback finds his face buried inside Dane's singlet. A KO sleeper makes Wolf's eyes roll back in his head finally slowing down the proceedings as the match gets increasingly erotic with hard-on bulging baskets on glorious display.

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'N' Raunchy 5*

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Dane Tarsen vs. Wolf Schmidt*
59 minutes

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Wolf's face-sitting pin

Wolf Schmidt

Dane tries to smother Wolf

Dane's assest

Wolf's body on diplay

Taking a nibble

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