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  Jonny Firestorm & Anthony Wayne vs. Marco Guerra

Lil Anthony: 5'3 125

Marco toys with Jonny

Lil Anthony tightly cradled

Jonny sleepers the big man

2 on 1: Crotch split!

Handicap: Two Davids vs Goliath

Rising Indie heel Jonny is talking shop and exchanging moves with the even smaller newbie Lil Anthony. Eyes widen and jaws stagger when big buff Marco enters in jeans and tank, the military muscle making fun of the puny ?showmen?. Jonny and Anthony offer the cocky thug a challenge: if he?s so tough, he should be face them in a handicap match. So Marco accepts, shedding his outfit to reveal a bulging red trunks and abs on which he could clean those jeans. Anthony knows they?ll have to use their brains to take down the biceps-heaven behemoth, so he cheers his more experienced half to go for Marco?s head. Marco trucks through the boys? scrawny lock-ups, effortlessly tossing them to the mat each time. Marco, amused and in a good sport mood, lets his victims tag out when he could easily lay on some pain. He shows no difficulty in grappling the smaller studs into headscissors and nelsons, enjoying his game of cat and mouse. But mice can be awfully pesky little pests.....

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Spotlight: Jonny Firestorm


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Jonny Firestorm & Anthony Wayne vs. Marco Guerra
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Jonny above: 5'5 140

Anthony cranks a headlock

Bow & Arrowed to perfection

Scissored and leglocked

Marco ontop of Lil Anthony

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