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  Jonny Firestorm vs. Rudy Cortez

Cute Rudy choked and chumped

Putting the boots to Rudy

Nasty ripping banana split, ouch!

Ball bashed & in pain

A passion for points: Jonny on top trying to control and dominate his bottomed opponent

And Then There's The Reality!

Jonny is completely unaccustomed to being outhustled. So when Rudy slaps on a crotch-ripping grapevine and asks, tauntingly, "How does that feel?" Jonny snaps. Fighting his way back to his feet, Jonny delivers a shocking slap to Rudy's face that catches the young hunk flat-footed. "Who do you think you are!?" Jonny shouts, once again not really interested at all in hearing any answers. But Rudy has an answer for him, nonetheless. Before Jonny sees it coming, Rudy delivers a slap that jerks Jonny's head around so hard that the ripped young heel is on his back and rolling out of the ring in full retreat. You can practically see the adrenaline and rage pumping through Rudy as he pursues Jonny through the ropes. "You want to smack me around? I'll show you what happens!" Rudy grabs the back of Jonny's head and smashes his face into the ring post. the heat is ON!

All of the sudden, nobody seems to care much about sportsmanship or back points. The singular goal to dominate has been shoved aside by an adrenaline-fueled fury to inflict pain. The pace of the match is just as relentless as before, but amateur skills take a back seat to low blows, knee-popping leglocks, and brutal stomps. Chokes, hair pulling, and a rake across the eyes chart the descent of this match into darker and darker territory as Jonny and Rudy continually get nastier in pursuit of beating each other to a pulp.

Soaking up Jonny's assault like a sponge, Rudy refuses to give an inch. He snags Jonny's feet out from under him and a half a second later has the hard-bodied hunk in a crotch-ripping small package, shoulders pinned squarely to the mat. Rudy delivers a slow, deliberate 3 count and then follows up by pounding his fist into Jonny's quivering hamstrings until he submits. Rudy picks up right where he left off, slamming Jonny to the mat repeatedly. Blow by blow, he breaks invincible Jonny down into pieces, finally delivering a flying splash, hooking the leg, and slapping down a second 3-count pinfall.

"Pins don't count! Pins don't count!" Jonny protests. And neither do submissions, really, from here on out. The action spills outside the ring, as fists meet faces and backs are driven into the ring post. The infamous wooden stool is used as a battering ram and a chokehold. One young hunk keeps submitting, keeps begging for the pain to stop, but the brutality just builds toward a brutal, gasping climax. It was never going to be about points or pinfalls or even submissions, really. The winner was always going to be the one who could finally beat the fight out of his tenacious opponent. Spectacular lightweight action.

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Jonny Firestorm vs. Rudy Cortez
37 minutes

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Pros in Private 8 Arena Galleries

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Two evenly matched and super talented lightweights: Rudy works on a ball and chain lock

Rudy up by the trunks & hair

Two wrestling standouts grapple

Grabbing a handfull of trunks

Jonny yanks back on Rudy's hair

Jonny suspends Rudy in the air

Double crotch watch! Firestorm on display: Rudy controls the budding heel hunk

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