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  Jake Jenkins vs. Kid Karisma

Jake Jenkins - 5'7, 158

Big bulging butt bearhug

Kid K's muscles pop in a choke

Posing over the wasted young hunk

Crushing the air out of the pretty boy: Reverse bearhug, sexy sweaty Jake gets manhandled

No Mercy: The World of Wrestling

Kid Karisma makes one of the most stunning and startling entrances in BG East history in this match, which begins abruptly, without the more customary fanfare of posedowns and traded insults. This is the sort of departure from the norm fans either love or hate, precisely the quality that makes it so unusual, so exciting and so damned sexy!

It's the quintessential barefaced allegory: Kid Karisma wears dominator black boots and skimpy black briefs with a gold dollar sign over his bulge and with a sheer, see-though backside, his thick muscular legs coiled around newcomer Jake Jenkins' neck. And then his young opponent, the humpy pretty boy fresh from his delicious BG East debut on Ripped Rookies 1, dewily perfect in white almost-not-there trunks, and barefoot as any other sacrificial lamb. It could not more boldly illustrate what French literary theorist and critic Roland Barthes' essay "The World of Wrestling" calls "true" wrestling's "moral mechanism." Of course, savvy fans can take the philosophy with a grain of salt or ignore it altogether, because the "wrestled performance of Suffering" is better known around these parts as a hot and horny take-no-prisoners hunkbash.

Perhaps you prefer to think it is the rookie's naïve beauty and milky physique that trigger Karisma's envy and compulsion to cut Jenkins down to size. Or the struggle may be bigger than psychology, dramatizing, instead, the interdependence of two figures (heel and babyface) who only appear to be polar opposites. The "spectacle of excess" (Barthes' phrase again) abolishes motives and consequences - and so only what we see is important, not so much what we think about it.

And what we see here is exciting combat entertainment, performed by a confident, cocky, muscular veteran and a sweet, sexy, pro-wrestling newcomer, both super-fit, both well trained, and both immensely talented. It's the type of match-up that wrestling promoters dream of and the type of action which makes eager fans jump up in wild enthusiasm from their seats - only presented here for your own private appreciation and delectation.

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12: No Fear, No Limits, No Mercy!


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Jake Jenkins vs. Kid Karisma
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Hunkbash 12: No Fear, No Limits, No Mercy! Arena Galleries

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Karisma enjoys the ride and takes his time: Jake arched back in a neck crunching camel clutch

Young Jake Jenkins grits his teeth in agony in Kid K's killer single shoulder body vice backbreaker

Kid Karisma - 5'8, 165

Locker room figure 4 scissors

Knee to the back Boston crab

Smashing the prettyboy's face

Sadistic and innovative back breaking bow and arrow around the steel corner post!

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