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  Ty Garrison vs. Oliver Lyon

Ty Garrison 5'10, 69 kg/152 lbs

Ty cranks on a side headlock

Pouch squeezing single leg crab

Humiliating schoolboy pin & grab

Straining in Ollie's hold, Britbout star Ty realizes that the college boy is tougher than he thought

Master of the Mattress

One of the great things about wrestling is that it's an easily adaptable sport. You don't have a ring or mats? Mattresses will do just fine, thank you very much - and there's something sexily seedy about two blokes stripping down to their briefs and getting down to business, isn't there? Hotel/motel matches have a special energy and allure of their own. There's that anticipation of your opponent's arrival, the initial confrontation at the door - or in some cases, the door is left ajar for the arriving opponent to proceed immediately to the 'dressing room' and emerge to find his host opponent already on the 'mats' awaiting his entrance. It can be very heady and intoxicatingly sexy stuff and the prelude to a memorable and rousing and arousing encounter.

Britstar Ty Garrison excels in this kind of match. He's been a mainstay star in our Britbouts and Motel Madness/UK series and a fan favorite on both sides of the Atlantic. And what's not to like? Ruggedly handsome good looks (that sexy cleft chin!), a taut muscular physique, just enough hair between to pecs to nuzzle, strong lean legs and possessing a desire to beat down everyone he faces. Ready to rumble and looking good, Ty warms up in the bathroom - wearing nothing save his provocatively form-fitting white briefs - until his opponent calls him out to come get it on.

Young college boy Oliver has appeared before our cameras previously, and his scrappy demeanor and abilities to soak up endless punishment were just what made Ty agree to this private meeting! Ollie's dark, sultry look, lightly hairy chest, seemingly vulnerable appearance and defiantly cocky confidence all add to his allure. And young Oliver knows how to use his sexy look and horny desire to his advantage.

Ty is soon exploring all the possibilities his experience and power give him as he man-handles the upstart. The two eye each other, lock-up, and jockey for position, testing each other out, before Ty quickly takes advantage of Oliver's inexperience and clamps a brutal hold on him - and even goes so far as to cover his mouth and nostrils with his hand to cut off Oliver's air! The two drop to the mattress, and Ty presses his advantage with a double wrist-lock/body scissors combination that has Oliver almost completely immobilized, unable to do anything but grunt defiance! Patience does pay, though, and Oliver gets a head scissors on Ty and follows it up with a full nelson that stretches the lean tough out. He finally submits before one of his shoulders gets wrenched out of its socket!

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Ty Garrison vs. Oliver Lyon
26 minutes

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Ollie's cocky attitude and sexy torso on display as he punishes the veteran with a hot head scissors

Get up, lad, not done with you!

Oliver Lyon - 5'7, 69 kg/152 lbs

Flailing wildly in Ty's bearhug

Scissored & gut punched

Oliver's bubble butt exposed

Now that's ONE way to counter a bearhug! And who wouldn't want to cup those great Garrison glutes?

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