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  Ben Monaco vs. Alex Arias

Ben Monaco - 5'10, 175 lbs

Iron tight double 69 scissors

Alex bridged back & ball grabbed

Ben repeatedly grabs Alex's pouch

Ah, the sweet, sweaty taste of victory! Ben Monaco exults as he pins Alex Arias in a sexy schoolboy

Bitch-Slapped All the Way To Head and Body Scissors Heaven!

Hey guys! Anyone up for a big taste of sexy? Well, here you go! Headline: Rookies Ben Monaco and Alex Arias make a huge splash together in their BG East debuts. The heat is on HIGH as these two hot new recruits try to top each other, ostensibly to earn a place on the company's roster, but really and truly, as becomes increasingly apparent, to impress each other, by which we mean to imply a long, hard, and deep impression!

Before the bout started, while both men were still changing out of their street clothes, Ben tried to chat up Alex but got snubbed, badly snubbed, when Alex responded to the hairy-chested Canadian's icebreakers with reinforced ice. When Ben offered his hand and a big smile in an overture to gentlemanly, sportsmanlike competition, Alex just looked the man square in the eyes and smirked, and then turned away without a word, leaving Ben to admire his bodacious bubble butt. Psychology is part of the game and Alex plays it well.

On the mats, dark-haired Alex (in clinging and amply packed orange briefs) snidely dismisses Ben as a "pretty boy," which amuses and excites Ben and sets the wheels in motion for a rough and sweaty contest to determine who gets pinned ... and likes it.

In regards to skill and strength, they are an even match. All bets are off, then, as the men get off to an energetic start. At first Ben appears to be the more aggressive of the two, keeping his crotch firmly thrust against his opponent's face as often and for as long as possible. But Alex packs a solid defense, powering out and thrusting free. Not dissuaded in the least, Ben climbs back on top of Alex and grinds his midsection down on his opponent's. He brings the first fall to a close when he secures the first submission.

"You'll pay," Alex warns, but the threat only whets Ben's appetite for more convulsive upheaval. But Alex isn't teasing. He comes at Ben with a volley of punches to the solar plexus, combined with crotch-popping spladles that leave the man massaging his groin and writhing and groaning in agony. Again, though, Ben reverses and repays Alex in kind.

He snags Alex's head in a punishing cross body scissors. Alex thrashes, body glimmering with sweat. By now the seams of both men's undergear stretch and strain under massive pressure from two big sweaty bulges. Ben has Alex on the defensive. Confidence shaken, Alex pleads, "Don't do anything you'll regret!" But Ben bears down, his thighs cinching his opponent's waist, his wet hungry lips seizing on Alex's. Lip-locked! But Alex thrusts free. "Get off of me," he barks. "You haven't earned that yet." Randy rookies running wild!

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Rookies 1


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Ben Monaco vs. Alex Arias
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Ben's cross bodyscissors and lip lock

Alex proves he can be just as provocative, pinning his big pouch on the horny Canadian's face & lips

Alex Arias - 5'8, 145 lbs

Alex meets Ben's big pouch

Crotch watch: Suspended sickle

High angle crab variation

Sexy Alex bulges big as brutal Ben slams him down onto his knee and bangs and batters his belly

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