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  Morgan Cruise vs. Brad Barnes

Brad Barnes- 5'8", 200 lbs

Big biceps crush Morgan's head in a side headlock

Modified cobra clutch, a new torturous hold subdues Brad

Keeping Brad on the mat negates his power advantage, a smart ankle lock

Beautiful Brad's perfect pecs on display as the 'Mastadon' locks in a dragon sleeper

The Primal Hunter, The Alpha Male

When it comes to BG East's resident roster of hard-bodied hunks, they don't come much more bashable than bodybuilder Brad Barnes, but all that may be in question. Barnes may not be coming into this match with a winning record, having taken his share of beatings from some of the best around, but the devastation he dealt to Mr. Joshua Goodman alongside his tag partner Braden showed us he had the makings of something more than just a muscled, but squashable jobber. Barnes has tasted victory and is hungry for more, but when he hastily signed up for a match against smaller heel hunk Morgan Cruise, he might have looked before he leapt.

Morgan Cruise may be giving up a little size to the beefy Barnes, but the Mastodon is hardly lacking in muscle, and more importantly he has shown his aptitude for delivering the most brutal of beatings on his hapless victims. Cruise has come far since his trial-by-fire initiation against Lon Dumont. The rich kid Damien Rush is still haunted by the humiliation he received from 'the Alpha Male,' and while Barnes beat Mr. Joshua Goodman alongside a tag partner, Cruise made playthings of 2 opponents at once when he faced the 'twink duo' of Skip and Christian. Barnes may be one of the biggest challenges Cruise has faced yet, but the self-described "primal hunter" is clearly unimpressed as the pretty boy poses in front of him.

Cruise certainly has the look of a hunter as these two muscled men square off, practically licking his lips at thought of bringing down Barnes, but as they lock up it seems the Alpha Male may have been too quick to dismiss the bodybuilder's ability. Cruise cries out as Barnes catches him in a sudden hammerlock but he's silenced when a huge bicep comes down on his head in a textbook, but crushing, side headlock. Barnes impressive bulk drags the formerly unshakeable hunter to his knees, Morgan's struggling making the bigger man's might all the more apparent. A heel like Cruise doesn't dominate with strength alone though, and a quick reach to rake Barnes' face sends the hunk stumbling to the ropes in blind pain.

Barnes stalks around the ring, circling the Mastodon, hungry to bring the Alpha Male down but unsure yet what it takes. Barnes goes in for a test of strength, but Cruise knows better and answers with a heavy boot to those rock-hard abs that has the big man doubled over and open for a blow to the spine that brings the bodybuilder to the mat with a crash. Now the hunter moves in, mounting Barnes back and pulling him into a punishing camel clutch. That big body bends further as Barnes moans in pain, then screams as Cruise fishhooks his mouth, "I'm tempted to mangle that pretty face, so when you look in the mirror you remember the man who beat you..."

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Morgan Cruise vs. Brad Barnes
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Back breaking agony, Morgan tortures the muscle boy hunk in an over the knee backbreaker

Side splitting body scissors. Brad's massive quads clamp down across Morgan's rib cage

'The Mastadon' Morgan Cruise- 5'8", 175 lbs

Preparing to put those big, hard muscles to work in a test of strength

Morgan tries to snap his neck, driving a knee into his back and yanks on his chin

The cocky heel taunts his victim as he snaps his spine in a torture rack

Brad Barnes trapped in Morgan's humiliating schoolboy pin/figure 4 headscissor combo

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