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  Tiko vs. Elite Eliot

Tiko! 5'7, 145 lbs

Tiko sets about messing up the prettyboy's face with a tight, grinding side headlock

Eliot toys with Tiko in a tight, powerful bodyscissors with a total body flex

Eliot is enjoying his total mastery of Tiko as he drags him up by his neon pink hair

Eliot takes Tiko on a post-to-post tour of the BGEast ring with a fireman's carry

Tiko trashed and toasted as Eliot carts him about the ring in an over the shoulder backbreaker

The Briefest Tag Team in History

Elite Eliot and Tiko both made their BG East debuts in front of the enthusiastic live crowd at Wrestling with Pride benefit produced by BG East this winter in Wilton Manors, Florida. Both hot young talents were instant fan favorites, with their sensational bodies and beautiful faces. However, the similarities between these two sizzling new BG East rookies end there.

Eliot is a rising indy pro star with the natural athleticism, and the innate aggression to make him an instant contender. He embodies an intoxicating mix of irreverence, fearlessness, and effortlessness sex appeal. The Wrestling with Pride show fans were charmed by Eliot's adamant insistence that the ref pat down his beautifully muscled bubble butt to check for hidden weapons. He wowed the crowd with an impressive debut performance with a very demonstrative Zip Zarella, treating fans to sensational wrestling and a sexy, sweaty, post-match display of flexing and pelvic thrusts. The only thing Eliot enjoys more than the thrill of victory is some well-deserved admiration for his gorgeous body.

Tiko's Wrestling with Pride debut was decidedly less illustrious. Despite some spectacular displays of speed and skill, this indy openly gay pro was summarily bulldozed by an especially arrogant Ace Aarons. Tiko's earnestness and good looks elicited such empathy that the ref, several veteran wrestlers, and The Boss himself, all physically intervened on his behalf when Ace appeared determined to permanently end Tiko's promising wrestling career, gay or straight, right then and there. But even that bitter public humiliation put nary a dent in this Steel Orchid's wide-eyed ambition for pro wrestling glory.

As these two meet in the Florida ring, Eliot is not shy about admiring his opponent's obvious assets. "Damn, man, look at you," Eliot marvels at the stunning aesthetics when he finds Tiko flexing his tightly muscled physique in the ring. "You look good, man!" Eliot concedes, flexing behind him and admiring the double-barreled beauty staring back at the two of them in the mirror. "Look at us! We could be a tag team," Eliot announces a half a second before landing a blindsided forearm smash to the back of Tiko's head.

The double newbie confrontation between these two is intense! Eliot repeatedly drags his smaller opponent up by a shock of Tiko's violent violet hair to scoop him up across his chest and slam his petite frame down viciously to the mat. "What I said about us being a tag team," Eliot snarls, "I take that back, twerp." His significant size advantage wears heavily on Tiko's stamina. His massive thighs clamp down long and hard on the Thai wrestler, crushing internal organs and threatening to crack Tiko's skull. "You like these, don't you," he asks, forcibly dragging the palms of Tiko's hands up and down Eliot's flexing thighs! "Give them a feel. They're huge!" Eliot is not shy nor retincent to heap on some self-praise!

Despite this distracting demand to worship Eliot's massive muscles, Tiko remains focused on the task at hand. With fierce persistence, he refuses to concede to his opponent's orders to submit. Instead, he repeatedly scores hard-earned escapes and charges headlong into the sneering beefcake. Tiko's grinding side headlock and hip toss earn him the respect that Eliot refuses to give for free. The lightweight's savage punches to Eliot's devastatingly handsome face make the indy pro reevaluate the Thai tiger he's grabbed by the tail. "Woah, settle down," Eliot tries to forestall the brutal attack. "I was just kidding earlier!"

No one is laughing as Tiko and Eliot tear into each other, determined to put their marks in the victory column as BG East up-and-comers. Tenacity, speed, and persistence stare down size, experience, and supreme cockiness. It's no spoiler to say that the winner is a gorgeous, hot young talent guaranteed to be your newest BG East wrestling crush!

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Fights 7: After the Show!


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Tiko vs. Elite Eliot
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Tiko takes some time on top as he grounds the high-flier with a side headlock

Tiko continues to torture and twist the showboating pro's neck on the mats with a headlock

A tormented Tiko feels his ribs begin to pop between the powerful thighs of Eliot

Eliot relaxes as Tiko tries to withstand and fight his way free of the ever-tightening scissors

Eye Candy Eliot demands worshipful adoration from the stud trapped in his bodyscissors

Eliot remains completely unbothered as the asian stud writhes weakening in a head scissors

Elite Elliot: 5'11", 190 lbs

The pro studs have already made a splash with fans, Eliot makes that a slam on Tiko

Tiko has clearly had enough as he hauls off and bitchslaps the taste from Eliot's mouth

Eliot intends to leave the Florida ring victorious as he chokes his opponent out across the ropes

Eliot tests the limits of Tiko with a back-breaking, arching chinlock over the ring ropes

Eliot drags a trounced and totaled Tiko back to his feet for more, up by a handful of his hair

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