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  Kayden Keller vs. Ash DeLeon

Kayden Keller: Keller: 6'2, 175 lbs

Kayden intends on keeping the crown tonight as he headlocks and publicly wedgies his oiled foe!

Cocky Kayden flexes over a flailing, writhing Ash and works a rib-crushing bodyscissors

Has Kayden proved his heel superiority to the crowd? He poses punishingly, ass on Ash's face

Ash gets his revenge (and pound of flesh!) and works an atomic wedgie on a prostrated Kayden

Round Two: Splash of the Super-Heels

By luck of the draw, two of BG East's most well known heels, each with their own nasty 'proclivities', face off in this 2nd round of the Live Oil Wrestling at Leather and Lace Club. Deprived of leather and oiled up by a randy crowd whose volunteers are half-afraid and half-hypnotized as they run their hands over the two monster heels' beefy muscles, the two heel-stars plunge into action and quickly realize that their holds will have far less effect with all this oil, so only sexy distractions and pain-inducing blows will work! This is a very intense oil wrestling battle!

As you can see from the photos though, these two heels not only 'find a way' to use their brutal holds in an oily context, from bodyscissors and bearhugs to headscissors and camel clutches, they clearly enjoy every minute of their mutual torture (the tables turn so quickly they almost savor their next slide into top position before their pain can kick in!). It isn't long before their already sexy gear gets pulled, wedgied and used as a weapon by these devious torture masters. It's only with surprise sexual innuendos that one wrestler is ultimately defeated - and happy to have had the experience as they playfully pose for their fans! It's rare to see a heel lose so gracefully! There's always the final matches to come!

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Kayden Keller vs. Ash DeLeon
14 minutes

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Every bit the sadist, Ash sees his star burning brighter as Kayden cries out in agony in his clutches

Kayden snaps those long, crushing legs around Ash's skull and works a crotch-clawing headscissors

Holy shit! Has the reigning king heel ever looked like this before? Cradle, spladle agony for Keller!

Ash DeLeon: 5'8, 170 lbs

Heel on-the-rise? Not so fast! Kayden facesits and lays down a core collision on the gut punch specialist

Kayden flexes his beefy bruiser muscles as a painful reminder of who rules the roost with a bearhug

Keller works a killer camel clutch, intent on breaking his challenger's back to make him think twice

Kayden arches and stretches Ash out in an inverted headlock and freely feels up his oiled body

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