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  Reese Wells vs. Kirby Stone

Reese Wells - 5'8, 152 lbs

Reese racked by cute Kirby Stone

Hand full of trunks suplex

Reese suffers Kirby's bodyscissor

Kirby's out to prove he's more than a pretty in pink as he chokes Reese Wells on the ropes

The Big Bad Battle of The Babyface Beauties

Kirby has been pissed off ever since being called a "cute kid" in the write-up for his debut match with BGE. With adorable good looks and perpetually in pink, he has shorn his long blond locks and is fiercely committed to shirking the babyface mantle to dig deep into his dark side. Despite is age, he's amassed an impressive resume on the indy circuit. He has a solid reputation as a skilled technician with phenomenal stamina. But now he's hell-bent on proving to the particularly discerning BG East audience that first glances can be deceiving. He may look like a barely legal babyface, but he's got a heart of heel.

Reese has also repeatedly been the victim of the "cute" label. And though his pro experience isn't as extensive as Kirby's, he has nevertheless drawn the short straw in a couple of the most brutal ball bashes in BG East history. When you've taken the sort of vicious punishment that Reese has endured and still come back for more, you deserve some respect! Of course, respect is the last thing that he's going to get from Kirby.

"Is that your first time lacing up a pair of boots?" snarls Kirby when he charges into the arena to find Reese still tugging on his gear. Kirby sports his signature color pink with bad boy black stripes on the sides of his tight shiny pro squarecuts. When Reese, totally in blue, starts to rise to his feet, Kirby shoves him back to the bench with a humiliating hand to his baby face. "Welcome to the business, newbie. Want to get a lesson in wrestling?"

Even though Reese's BG East record is slightly longer than Kirby's, he knows that Kirby's indy pro training and experience will make this match an uphill battle for him. "I may be new," he insists, "but I've got a lot more heart than you ever will!" Kirby chuckles with contempt as the two unquestionably cute babyface wrestlers climb into the ring.

With the impetuousness of youth, both wrestlers launch into a flurry of fast-paced action. Reese, arguably with the most to prove, is the first to go on the offensive. He snags Kirby flat-footed in a tight side headlock. Kirby deftly reverses and cranks Reese into an armlock, a fraction of a second before Reese counters with a hammerlock. A heartbeat later, Kirby counters once again, slamming Reese to his back and quickly transitioning to a standing wristlock. No sooner does Kirby secure the hold than Reese has reversed, whipping his opponent's arm overhead with such force that Kirby drops to one knee with a shout of shocked pain. Mind you, this is all within the first 45 seconds of the match! Oh yeah!!!

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Reese Wells vs. Kirby Stone
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Kirby yealls at the suffering Reese: Give it up, you punk ass pussy!

Reese racked over Kirby's shoulders

Kirby Stone - 5'10, 167 lbs

Stone's stunning sleeper variation

Kirby sets up a dragon sleeper

A punishing hangman's hold

Reese is out to prove he's no jobber as he cranks a chinlock and rib scissors on Kirby Stone

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