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  Cameron Matthews vs. Blaine Janus

Cameron Matthews- 5'11" 165 lbs

Blaine isn't so impressed with the "king" as he works a crotch ripping leg split with the schoolboy

Blain lunges from behind and chokes the wrestling superstar with his own gear

Cam brings all of his muscle to bear as he racks Janus' nuts with the singlet

Cam gets a facefull of Canadian cock as Blaine rolls him up with a crotch-to-face pin

With his own singlet used as a hangman's noose, a bound Cameron gasps for air as he fades out

The King of Underground Wrestling?

Cameron Matthews is admired in all corners of the online wrestling community, but over the past decade he has carved a very special niche for himself here at BG East. Eli Black, Charlie Panther, Aryx Quinn, Dick Rick, and Brad Rochelle count among his most notable opponents. He has wrestled in the ring, on the mat, solo, and in partnership with Paul Hudson and Caleb Brand. In the Babyface Brawl series, in which he took on Austin Cooper and Alexi Adamov, Cam redefined the role of "babyface," stripping it of the erroneous connotation of novice, poser, or eternal jobber. In Barefoot Babyfaces, he pushes the gimmick further up several notches in a grand, one-of-a-kind battle against blue-eyed Canadian Blaine Janus, whose homoeroticized style of combat has steamed up our camera lenses since his auspicious debut in Wrestleshack 11.

"Push me again, and it's gonna be on!" Cameron threatens, rebuffing Blaine's predatory advances. But guess who keeps on pushing? And, yes! it's ON! There follows an onslaught of body slams, thigh stretches, and head scissors. In singlets but barefooted, Blaine and Cam stay clear of the ropes at first, keeping the action close to the mat, with textbook holds very near to what you see at a high-school or college meet. Blaine injects a raunchy edge to everything, even (especially) the schoolboy pin. Cam attempts, with varying degrees of effort and varying results, to keep strictly to the straight and narrow rules of sport. Gradually they bring in some pro moves, especially when the guys decide it's time to peel down the tops of their singlets ... and eventually tug them completely off.

Blaine is far tougher competition than Cameron was expecting. This may well be the most strenuous workout Cameron has experienced at BG East. "Feisty!" Cameron says appreciatively. "Just the way I like my victims." Blaine looks like anything but a victim. Nimbly escaping a choke out, the Canadian goes for claw holds on his opponent's pecs and abs. Totally caught by surprise, Cameron submits, but Blaine won't let him go till he has had his fill of quivering muscle at his fingertips. The wrestlers trade hard unpulled punches to the abs in a test of physical endurance and will power. Blaine shoves Cameron against the turnbuckle for some closeup punishment, but Cameron quickly reverses and repays blow for blow.

Cameron, the self-proclaimed "king," proposes a test of strength. Again, the wrestlers put their heart and soul into it, clasping fingers and bumping chests with the force of rams butting heads. This may be the steamiest test of strength we have seen. The slick, sweaty bodies writhe and press in to each other, shoulder and back muscles flexing and jolting on impact. Then the action moves to the ropes, where Cam and Blaine create pretty much the perfect amalgam of mat grappling intensity and ring wrestling excitement. In a fierce skirmish, Blaine rips of Cameron's baby-blue singlet and chokes him with it, bearing down on him and pounding his hips down on Cam's. Cameron then reverses, garroting Blaine with the singlet, spitting out the merciless words, "Squirm, little bitch!"

After Cameron strips Blaine of his singlet, the match turns into a sexed-up tug of war. Ball-twisting like you have never seen! And our camera pulls in tight on the sweaty agony and emasculating humiliations you can almost feel for yourself. At one point Janus holds Matthews down with a bare foot to the face. The action is give and take till the victor binds the loser to a ring post and exacts the ultimate submission, with a final fade-to-black you may never forget!

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Babyfaces 1


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Cameron Matthews vs. Blaine Janus
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Bulging muscle flexes to the max as the boys battle it out in a bareknuckle gutbash

Blaine gloats and drags Cameron around with his singlet employed as a leash

Cam uses the ropes for leverage and pours the pain on in a skull-cracking headscissors

Janus goes... well, nuts, clawing Cameron's bulge while pinning his arms overhead

Turnabout is, as they say, fair play: Cameron strangles the canuck with his singlet

Babyface and washboard abs besmirched under the bare soles of a fellow babyface

Blaine Janus- 5'9" 150 lbs

The Canadian digs his tenacious talons deep into the power-packed pecs of Cameron

Up close and personal: Cam drags his opponent's face up tight into his sweaty bulge

The blue-eyed beauty gets a crotch claw of his own

The Canuck claw rips and tears at Cam's prized package

The self-proclaimed king is dethroned as he fades, bound in the corner with a kiss-of-death sleeper

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