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  Brute Baynard vs. Lane Hartley

Brute Baynard: 5'10, 210 lbs

Brute tries to weaken Lane with a reverse chancery hold

Lane powers his way up and out

Big Brute down on the mats as Lane revels in the moment

A cross face is gonna send Lane where probably doesn't want to go!

Perfectly packed pro trunks: Lane tries to slam Brute's face into the corner turnbuckle

Bring On The Big Boys, Bring On The Big Guns!

To cap off the evening, the former baby face, now beefed-up pretty boy heel Lane Hartley meets the challenge of Brute Baynard, whose name itself is a homage to a famous Brute of pro wrestling lore and legend. And what a stunning site it is to see these two iconic pro wrestling studs make their entrances. The strongmen entering The Manor's ballroom turned Arena setting have the same impact on the pumped-up fans as the introduction of a couple of fighting bulls would have. If no one actually swoons, it is not for the lack of testosterone in the air. You can practically feel the heat as the two mighty men stride by.

Lane and Brute are not only heavyweights but also two unrelenting scrappers whose knowledge of holds and Pier 6 brawling is unsurpassed. Lane may be regarded as the more gentlemanly of the two only if you are prepared to call a man a gentleman who, with barely disguised relish, crushes opponents' bones into sand pebbles. The challenger Brute has a name that speaks for itself and one which he lives up to in spectacular fashion. The enmity between the two is palpable and presages the titanic battle to come.

The fight proceeds at a breakneck pace. Lane is the bigger and heavier of the two, but Brute has speed and an addiction to trouncing his opponents full tilt. His rashness is both a strength and an impediment. Lane's style may be more urbane, but he has a well-documented taste for tormenting his foes in a leisurely and meticulous manner.

The collision of these juggernauts causes the ring to roar and groan as muscle brushes up against muscle, and the action proves ultimately to be too big for the ring to contain, spilling out into the viewing area. The end, when it comes, comes suddenly, anticlimactically, and, most important, so forcefully you can feel it in your gut.

This match was the perfect conclusion to a great evening of professional wrestling, geared for and catering to a live gay audience and featuring several openly gay professional wrestlers. It's what we as wrestlers and wrestling fans have always hoped for: a joyous, fun and sexy event that recognizes and celebrates the power and passion of pro wrestling. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to all those who so freely and generously gave of their time, energy and talents to make this a success for The Pride Center, for The Manor On Wilton Drive, for BG East Wrestling and for our fans. Who knows? Maybe we'll do it again!

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Brute Baynard vs. Lane Hartley
13 minutes

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These big boys had the fans awestruck by their intensity, ferocity and amazing athleticism

To the delight of the fans, the ring wasn't big enough to hold the two behemoths in for long!

The power exhibited and the punishment perpetrated made for a titanic encounter

Lane's own perfectly packed pro trunks are upended as Big Brute goes for the 1-2-3

Looks like it might be the end for Big Brute Baynard as Lane Hartley covers him for the count

The big boys go mano a mano!

Lane Hartley: 6', 220 lbs

Handsome Lane Hartley enters with a title belt. Will he also leave with it?

Lane the hot and humpy handsome heavyweight hunk Hartley

The whole house shook when Lane slammed the big Brute

A view from the balcony: Brute Baynard stalks Lane Hartley

Big Brute Baynard is deep in thought as he contemplates the enormous opponent before him

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